Cybex Priam Platinum Pram Rose gold 3 in 1 (collection only Washington NE37). Condition is Used. Collection in person only.

Used and bought as seen- priced for a quick sale, first to see will buy. The lite cot and foot muff are branded new and have never been used. Forward and rear facing and Great for shoppers! I loved how much shopping you can fit in the basket and hang from the hand rail! Big cross-country wheels. Lie flat car seat with new baby inlay which can be used from birth. suitable from birth up to 4 years old. comes with rain cover which is practically brand new,

The Priam/e-Priam Seat Pack takes the standard of pushchairs to a new level. Timeless design elements are paired with essential features that meet parents'  highest expectations.

It is a design icon on wheels. Taking the standard for pushchairs to a whole new level, the Priam is the perfect marriage between luxurious comfort and distinctive style. ​Timeless design elements are paired with ingenious features that meet the highest expectations of parents. ​

The Priam. The unsurpassed icon of design.​

Care Instructions:

Fabric covers machine washable at 30°C

Cloud T i-Size

The Cloud T i-Size baby car seat features a comfortable in-car recline and a lie-flat position when used as part of a travel system. An ADAC Test Winner (Oct 2023, award) 0-24 months 13kg

I also have a Sensor safe which is included in the price and is used with the the car seat of Once attached to the harness system of the child car seat, the SensorSafe Safety Kit can be connected to your smartphone and will alert you to critical situations such as: if your child is left in the car, if temperatures in the car get too hot or cold, if the child unbuckles the clip or if they have been seated for too long