Elevate your jewelry collection with these stunning dangle earrings made of high-quality sterling silver 925. The earrings feature a beautiful oval-shaped simulated purple sapphire as the main stones, 18 of these glimmering gemstones. The leverback closure adds a touch of elegance and ensures secure wear. The earrings are perfect for any occasion, be it a formal event or a casual outing. Their unique design and exquisite craftsmanship make them a must-have for any jewelry lover. Add a touch of sophistication to your style with these gorgeous simulated purple sapphire earrings.

Simulated Purple Sapphire (ovl) Lever Back Earrings Sterling Silver 925 Dangle

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We make every attempt to be as clear as possible within the item description, and provide photos that clearly distinguish the condition of the item.  However, there are times when additional information may be needed before a buyer feels comfortable with a purchase. If at any time you have any questions or concerns regarding an item, please do not hesitate to send us a message prior to purchasing, as there is a No Return Policy unless otherwise stated.


If you are trying to determine if a bracelet or necklace will fit you, then the easy way to see is to look in the description and note the size listed. Then take a piece of string and cut it to the exact length and holding the ends together where they were cut wrap a piece of tape around it. That should give you the exact size of what you would receive. Ring sizes can be determined at your local jeweler. I hope this tip helps.


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