Ryx Skin Glow Bomb Set - FREE SHIPPING.

With great skin comes great responsibility 💞✨

Know your skin. Focus on your skin needs. Then once you’ve got your skincare set sorted, STICK WITH IT. CONSISTENCY IS KEY! No overnight glow, NO INSTANT, truth is: Some active ingredients can take weeks or up to months, to work. And that’s where the magic happen. ✨

Need help? Glow Bomb might be the one for you!

‼️ Glow Restoring

‼️ Blemish Busting

‼️ Breakout Clearing

‼️ Helps fade pigmentation

‼️ Increase cell turnover (Advanced Exfoliating)

SAFETY: Before use, perform a SPOT TEST to test for sensitivity as follows: Apply or rub products to a patch of skin on the inner, lower arm. Rub it in and allow it to dry on the skin. Do not wash that area of the skin for at least 24 hours; watch for signs of reaction. If rash, burning, tingling, or inflammation occur, immediately remove the product from skin and discontinue all further use.

DISCLAIMER: The seller of this item is not a dermatologist nor an expert in skincare. We aim to provide the best selling beauty products and we depend our judgement on which products to sell by reviewing the feedback of users and researching the products online. We are not familiar with the buyer’s skin type, condition, skin history, or sensitivity and can not make personal recommendations of any kind to any buyer. We are not liable for negative or damaging results that may be obtained by proper or improper use of this product on any person.

It is always best to consult your dermatologist before using a skincare product.