
Digimon is the unique, original Digital Monster from the online world and it needs you to help hatch, raise and train for the ultimate monster showdown, a battle between your Digimon and another. Link up with a friend’s Digimon for an epic battle with hundreds of potential combinations. Will you reign victorious? Take care of your Digimon, feed it well and train thoroughly so you can become a master Digimon handler!


  • The original virtual Monster you loved back in the ‘90s is back!

  • Raise, feed, and train your Digimon. Its future depends on how well you prepare it for battle!

  • Get alerted when your Digimon is hungry or requires more training

  • Engage the exclusive dock ‘n rock feature and pit your Digimon in a digital battle against your friend’s Digimon

  • Over a hundred different Digimon in each device, allowing each battle to have endless combinations and outcomes!