Swept Away

was written and recorded by Gabriel Alexa Lowery

at True Goat Studios from 2001 until October 2006 in Lubec, Maine.

It was completed posthumously with help from his friends and family. 

Gabe played most instruments (guitar, bass, drums, mandolin, violin, slide, and keyboards)

on all songs

Thanks to the following contributors

Arielle Raff (vocals, "Swept Away" & violin, "Swept Away" & "Castaway")

Nikadimus Cody (cello, "Brittle Stars" & electric guitar, "Brittle Stars" "Brighter Days" & "Last Dance") 

Cara McCrimmon (pennywhistle "Bright Flowers of the Yard") 

Scott Ryan (keyboard, "Mystery") 

Ezra Rugg (bass, "Mystery")

Final mixing was done by Ezra Rugg, Scott Ryan and Nikadimus Cody. 

Mastered by Scott Ryan 

Graphic design/Iayout by Gabe Lowery, Nik Cody and Shyla Yerxa 

with help from Max Ascrizzi, Mason Lowery and Erik Perkins.

Gabe selected the photos from family (Alexa/Ward) archives and his own collection. 

Much love and gratitude to all family and friends!