NEW!!  Developed by J.A.Quinn in New Zealand, the FreHD Mini-Expansion Interface, or "Quinnterface" connects to your plain unmodified TRS-80 Model I with 16K and Level II Basic (which is most of them).


You get:


32K additional memory, for a total of 48K, the maximum a TRS-80 Model I can address in it's standard form


Auto-booting of your FreHD without modifying the TRS-80 keyboard unit: a Pic processor emulates the floppy boot routine 


Power pass-through cable so the single 5VDC PSU (provided by you) powers both the Quinnterface and the FreHD


An Eprom with a memory and Quinnterface quick self test in case you are trying to diagnose a problem with the system


Interface cables: TRS-80-to-Quinnterface and Quinnterface-to-FreHD 



You need:


TRS-80 Model I 16K Level II system in good working condition and preferably with the lowercase modification


A FreHD hard drive emulator (look for my other listings on eBay if you need to buy one)


Video shows how to install the board in your TRS-80:


Shipping from Australia will be $USD13.50