1kg Sodium erythorbate powder - E 316  Food grade antioxydant

Sodium erythorbate is an antioxidant  used in  food systems, such as meat processing, fruits, vegetable, tin and jam etc,

It can slow down the food oxidation effectively and avoid the deterioration of the color,smell and taste.

It can inhibit the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines.

It is the sodium salt of erythorbic acid 

Sodium erythorbate is produced by fermentation of corn sugar . 

In the dry state, it is non-reactive, but when mixed with water, it readily reacts with atmospheric oxygen and other oxydizing agents.

Usage levels : from 0.04% - 0.15%.
Suggested use amounts for sausage = 55 grams / 100 kg of meat;
Suggested use amounts for hams = 250 gram/100 litre of pickle.

Fruit and vegetables can be protected by spraying or dipping them in an aqueous solution of sodium erythorbate.

Common methods of incorporating the antioxidant in fish tissue are:
 dipping, glazing, injection and spraying.