Toile marouflée sur carton mâché rigide avec cadre 10cm, prêt à être exposé, voir la photo

143x61cm, travail d'encadrement très cher

Aérosol, markers, pochoirs


Envoi avec assurance, colis lourd avec le cadre...


Canvas mounted on rigid mache cardboard with 10cm frame, expensive frame work

143x61cm, ready to expose, see pic

Aerosol, markers, stencils


Shipping with inasurance, heavy shipping with the weight of the frame...

SEEN Biography

Born in 1961 in the Bronx New York, Richard "Richie" Mirando, known as Seen is often referred to as the Godfather of Graffiti. Seen began making graffiti art on New York's subway in 1973 as part of a crew called United Artists. During the early 1980s Seen began producing work on canvas featuring comical figures and superheroes, using spray paint and stencils. These works were exhibited in both solo exhibitions and group exhibitions alongside Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Seen's paintings talents translated into other arts resulting in the openeing of a tattoo studio called Tattoo Sean, which quickly became one of the most successful studios in New York. Seen's recent works includes three-dimensional sculpture, mixed-media work using reclaimed or discarded materials, and a series of hand-painted, limited edition New York subway maps.