In the early 80s I was working at Los Angeles International Airport for an airline.

The White House used the ramp outside my work for presidential arrivals and departures.  Prior to their operations, the Secret Service
coordinated with me and was all over the facility, on the roof and  throughout the area.

The photo was taken by me as The President exited Air Force 1. The gentleman second behind the President is carrying a briefcase that was known as, "The Football" and contained the nuclear codes and passwords, in case of war. President Reagan served as President from 1981 - 1989.

My original negative was used to make this 8 X 10 Glossy color print.

Currently I am reviewing my prior Ebay activities for listing possibilities and hope to connect with past customers and friends.

Enjoy, and keep watching for new postings. I intend to keep my record of 100 % positive feedback !