Much of the story is set at the Luray Springs Hotel where the characters wait for the running of the Capitol Handicap. The main story focuses upon Colly Tannyer, a pretty young handicapper who must wrangle up $10,000 so she can bet on a special horse. He former lover, Cuff Billings, helps her out under the condition that if the horse loses, she must make love to him. She agrees, and unfortunately, her steed places third. Fortunately, Cuff is more honorable than she though and he ends up romancing her.

copyrighted- September 24, 1933
copyright expired December 31, 1961 and was not renewed
All dvds come with a case and artwork

please be aware of what you are buying, this film has never been commercially released, and it is not digitally restored or remastered, and is found to be in the public domain. Due to the scarcity of these hard to find features (in most cases transfers from 16mm film prints), quality may vary from title to title, usually from about a 7 all the way up to a 9/10.

RETURN POLICY--All items sold in as is condition. No refunds available. Items are sold as is, I will replace a defective disc with a new one of the same title. That said, if you are unhappy, please let me know and we will try to make it right.

 The film entered the public domain due to the rights holders failure to renew the copyright after 28 years.


·          This is a Public domain title. All our dvdr titles are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “BERNE ACT”. All media contained on this item is distributed freely and globally under the terms of the GNU PUBLIC LICENCE and the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE (LGPL). No trademarks, copyright or rules have been violated in this listing. All information pertaining to United States copyright regulations can be found at the United States Copyright office a branch of the Library of Congress. No Trademarks or copyrights have been violated by this item. If a title is found to be currently under copyright, it will be immediately removed.