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The Composition of Everyday Life

by John Metz, John Mauk

Writing in college can be tricky. It can be difficult to know what qualities matter most, what ideas to develop or even how to deliver work that meets instructors' expectations. Mauk/Metz's THE COMPOSITION OF EVERYDAY LIFE, 7th EDITION, was designed to help students like you with the most evasive but crucial aspects of college writing -- inventing fresh ideas and delivering them in compelling ways. Academic writing, after all, is not about getting it right but about making an intellectual impact -- changing minds, challenging ideas and exploring possibilities. Whatever topics you choose, whatever issues most define your life, this book will help you go beyond expectations, maximize intellectual possibilities and make real discoveries about the world around you. The sample essays throughout, written by both professional and student writers, were carefully selected to demonstrate the most impactful strategies writers can apply in academic settings.

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Author Biography

John Metz began teaching college writing as a graduate student at the University of Toledo in 1983. He then taught at University of Toledo, Umpqua Community College and Kent State University over the next forty years. He focused on helping students learn to invent ideas, make appropriate rhetorical decisions and redefine what writing is or can be. His students sometimes said, I thought this was supposed to be a writing course. John Mauk, Ph.D., has a doctorate in rhetoric and writing from Bowling Green State University and a master's degree in language and literature from the University of Toledo. Over a 24-year career, he taught composition at Owens Community College, Northwestern Michigan College and Miami University. He was twice named professor of the year. He now writes in various genres, edits manuscripts for professional writers and teaches in continuing education programs. He also hosts Prose from the Underground, a video series featuring interviews and practical advice for working writers.

Table of Contents

ContentsUsing CEL as a Thematic ReaderNote to InstructorsAcknowledgmentsChapter 1 Inventing IdeasIntroductionAsking QuestionsRe-Inventing EducationReading for RhetoricPart I: InventionSample EssaysWriting TopicsInventionPoint of ContactAnalysis 1Public ResonanceThesisRhetorical ToolsRevision and Peer ReviewReflectionPart II: ResearchPart III: Organization and DeliveryA Final Note on Artificial Intelligence and Practicing WritingInventing Ideas AssignmentChapter 2 Remembering Who You WereIntroductionReadingsSelling Manure Bonnie Jo CampbellHow I Lost the Junior Miss Pageant Cindy BosleyThe Thrill of Victory . . . The Agony of Parents Jennifer Schwind-Pawlak(Student Essay)InventionPoint of ContactAnalysis ? Thinking FurtherPublic ResonanceThesis ? Evolution of a Thesis ? Common Thesis Problem: Avoiding Clichs? Revising Your ThesisRhetorical Tools ? Narration ? Allusions ? DialogueRevision ? Peer Review ? Peer Review TruismsReflectionBeyond the Essay: Invention VideoChapter 3 Explaining RelationshipsIntroductionReadingsWhat the Honey Meant Cindy BosleyDog-Tied David HawesMugged Jim CrockettTo Fish and Be Fished: A Tinder-fied Game of Love Kellie Coppola(Student Essay)InventionPoint of ContactAnalysis ? Thinking FurtherPublic ResonanceThesis ? Evolution of a ThesisRhetorical Tools ? Using Narration ? Using Description ? Using FigurativeLanguageRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Images as SupportChapter 4 ObservingIntroductionReadingsOnward, Gamers, Onward Royce FloresThe Front Porch Chester McCoveyRed Raiders Fans Taylor PerryInventionPoint of Contact ? Observing People ? Observing a Place ? Observingan Animal ? Observing a Person or Event Involved in Your MajorAnalysis ? Thinking FurtherPublic Resonance ? Invention WorkshopThesis ? Evolution of a ThesisRhetorical Tools ? Using Details ? Using Narrative ? Using Allusions ? UsingSimile and MetaphorRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Cover ImageChapter 5 Analyzing ConceptsIntroductionReadingsWhy Natural Doesnt Mean Anything Anymore Michael PollanBlack Like I Thought I Was Erin Aubry KaplanWhat Does It Mean to Live the Good Life? Emerys WestacottThe Real, the Bad, and the Ugly Cassie Heidecker (Student Essay)Outside ReadingInventionPoint of ContactAnalysis ? Thinking FurtherPublic ResonanceThesis ? Evolution of a ThesisRhetorical Tools ? Examples ? Definitions and References ? InventionWorkshop ? Outside SourcesRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Conceptual MapChapter 6 Analyzing Written TextsIntroductionReadingsThe Default Setting: An Analysis of David Foster Wallace Adrienne CarrKurt Vonneguts The Noodle Factory Clayton Tarantino (Student Essay)Seattles Rhetoric Andrew Buchner (Student Essay)InventionPoint of ContactAnalysis ? Thinking FurtherThesis ? Evolution of a ThesisRhetorical Tools ? Caution: Four Common PitfallsReflectionRevision ? Peer ReviewBeyond the EssayChapter 7 Analyzing Images and VideosIntroductionReadingsRise of the Image Culture: Re-Imagining the American DreamElizabeth ThomanAn Imperfect Reality Rebecca HollingsworthLook on My Works: Breaking Bads Final Season Trailer Nick Fendinger(Student Essay)InventionPoint of Contact ? Print Advertisements ? Posters ? Internet Images? BillboardsAnalysis ? Image ? Video ? Text ? ContextThesis ? Common Thesis Problems ? Evolution of a Thesis ? Revising YourThesisRhetorical Tools ? ResearchRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Video BriefingChapter 8 Making ArgumentsIntroductionReadingsHow ChatGPT Robs Students of Motivation to Write and Think for ThemselvesNaomi S. Baron???The Dog Delusion April PedersenIn Defense of Darkness Holly Wren SpauldingHive Talkin: The Buzz around Town about BeesTeresa ScollonInventionPoint of Contact ? School ? Work ? Home ? Community ? Pop Culture? Your MajorAnalysis ? Thinking FurtherPublic ResonanceThesis ? Arguability ? Scope ? Public Resonance ? Revelation ? Evolution ofa Thesis ? Common Thesis ProblemsRhetorical Tools ? Support ? Counterargument ? Concession and Qualifier? Caution: Logical FallaciesRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: The Open LetterChapter 9 Responding to ArgumentsIntroductionReadingsFor the Sake of Frenzy Kelly SmithAI Can Save Writing by Killing the College EssaySteven D. KrauseThe Power of Failure: J. K. Rowlings Harvard Commencement SpeechLiz Winhover (Student Essay)InventionPoint of ContactAnalysis ? The First Layer: The Four Elements of Argument ? The Second Layer:Warranting AssumptionsPublic ResonanceThesis ? Evolution of a Thesis ? Thinking FurtherRhetorical Tools ? Using Support ? Counterarguing ? Conceding andQualifying Points ? Remembering Logical FallaciesRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Tattoo DesignChapter 10 EvaluatingIntroductionReadingsTalibanned Benjamin BuschImportant and Flawed Kareem Abdul-JabbarStar Trek: Where No Man Has Gone Before Jaren Provo (Student Essay)InventionPoint of ContactAnalysis ? Discovering the Purpose of the Subject ? Applying Criteria to theSubjectPublic ResonanceThesis ? Evolution of a Thesis ? Common Thesis ProblemsRhetorical Tools ? Using Support ? Counterarguments and ConcessionsRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Evaluation FormChapter 11 Searching for CausesIntroductionReadingsIs Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains NicholasCarrWhy We Binge-Watch Television Kevin FallonWhy are So Many Gen Z-ers Drawn to Old Digital Cameras? Tim GorichanazWhy cant Americans Agree On, Well, Nearly Anything? James Steiner-DillonInventionPoint of Contact ? Work ? Local Events ? Social Trends ? Campus Issues? Politics ? Your MajorAnalysis ? What State of Mind or Psychological Need May Have Led to thePhenomenon? ? Thinking FurtherPublic ResonanceThesis ? Evolution of a Thesis ? Common Thesis Problems ? Revising Your ThesisRhetorical Tools ? Integrating Authorities (Outside Sources) ? Counterarguingand ConcedingRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Photo EssayChapter 12 Proposing SolutionsIntroductionReadingsHi, Im a Digital Junkie, and I Suffer from Infomania Manoush ZomorodiYelling at Referees Jordan FrancoEvery Teacher Grades Differently, Which Isnt Fair Laura LinkCan Silent Retreats Solve Generation Zs Problems? Nicholas Punla SmithInventionPoint of Contact ? School ? Government ? Television ? Your Major? CommunityAnalysisPublic ResonanceThesis ? Evolution of a ThesisRhetorical Tools ? Discovering Counterarguments and Alternative Solutions? Avoiding Logical FallaciesRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Exploring Other MediaChapter 13 Thinking Radically: Reseeing theWorldIntroductionReadingsWarfare: An InventionNot a Biological Necessity Margaret MeadBuild the Wall Ed BellAs the Global Musical Phenomenon Turns , a Hip-Hop Professor Explains What theWord Dope Means to Him A.D. CarsonUnemployed and Working Hard Simon Wykoff (Student Essay)Outside ReadingInventionPoint of ContactAnalysis ? Thinking FurtherPublic ResonanceThesis ? Evolution of a ThesisRhetorical Tools ? Using Narration ? Using Description ? Building IntellectualBridges ? Counterarguments and Concessions ? Outside SourcesRevision ? Peer ReviewReflectionBeyond the Essay: Visual Essay/Collage/PosterChapter 14 Finding SourcesUsing Catalogs and DatabasesOnline CatalogsPeriodical DatabasesReadingsAI Information Retrieval: A Search Engine Researcher Explains the Promise and Perilof Letting ChatGPT and Its Cousins Search the Web for You Chirag ShawAsking the Right QuestionsConducting InterviewsIntegrating Interviews into Your WritingPlanning an InterviewGenerating QuestionsCreating SurveysChoosing RespondentsRecording and Using ResponsesChapter 15 Analyzing, Synthesizing, and EvaluatingSourcesDeveloping Critical LiteracyJust the Facts, Please Or Maybe NotNumbers Dont LieOr Do They?Summarizing and Analyzing SourcesContentContextUnderstanding Common Source TypesBooks and e-booksPeriodicalsNewspapersGovernment documentsReference worksAudiovisual materialsSynthesizing SourcesAssignment: Annotated BibliographySample Annotated BibliographyEvaluating SourcesRelevanceReliabilityCredibilityTimelinessDiversityEvaluating Online Sources ? Considering Generative AI Chatbots? Considering AI-Generated ContentAssignment: Evaluating a Source ? Relevance ? Reliability ? Credibility? Timeliness ? DiversitySample Source EvaluationAssessing Bond Pittmans Drink Earlier, Drink LessChapter 16 Integrating and DocumentingSourcesIntegrating SourcesParaphraseSummaryQuotation ? Special Conditions in QuotingCoherence StrategiesPlagiarismDocumenting SourcesMLA StyleIn-Text CitationWorks CitedBooks ? Single Author Print Book ? Book with Two Authors ? Book with Threeor More Authors ? Corporate Author or Government Publication ? SubsequentEditions ? Republished Book ? Edited Book ? Translated Book ? Online Book? E-bookArticles ? Article in a Magazine ? Article in a Print Journal ? Article in OnlineJournal ? Journal Article Retrieved from a Database ? Article in a Print Newspaper? Newspaper or Magazine Article Retrieved from a Database ? Essay, Story, orPoem in an Anthology (such as a college textbook) ? Encyclopedia ArticleOnline-Only Sources ? Official Website ? Personal or Professional Home Page? Document or Page from Website ? Government Website ? Online Presentation? E-mail ? Online Posting ? Untitled Online Posting ? Entry in an OnlineEncyclopedia or Dictionary ? Information from an AI ChatbotOther Sources ? Abstract ? Television Episode ? Film ? Film or TelevisionEpisode, Accessed Online ? Audio Recording ? Personal Interview ? PublishedLetter ? Print Brochure ? Print Advertisement ? Work of Art (painting, sculpture,photograph) ? Lecture or Speech ? PerformanceAPA StyleIn-Text CitationReferencesPrinted Books ? General Format for Books ? Two or More Authors ?Corporate Author ? Subsequent Editions ? Edited Book ? Translated BookPrinted Articles ? Article in a Magazine ? Article in a Newspaper ? Article in aJournal ? Article or Chapter in an Edited Book ? Encyclopedia ArticleElectronic Sources ? Website ? Document from Website (Author and DateStated) ? Document from Website (No Author and/or Date Stated) ? Blog Post? Journal or Magazine Article Retrieved from a Database ? Journal Article Online? Online Presentation ? Online Book ? Abstract ? Information from an AI ChatbotOther Sources ? Brochure ? Personal Interview or Letter ? Television Program? Government PublicationFrequently Asked Questions ? What If I Dont Know What Type of Source IHave? ? How Do I Tell the Difference between a Journal and a Magazine? ? HowDo I Find the Publication Information? ? How Do I Know the Page Numbers of anElectronic Source? ? Should I Use APA, MLA, or Something Else? ? Why Are ThereDifferent Documentation Styles? ? Why Dont Some Articles Have Works Cited orReference Pages? ? Standard AbbreviationsChapter 17 Organizing IdeasIntroductionBeginningChanging ParagraphsIntegrating Outside SourcesCounterarguingSeparating Problems and SolutionsConcludingQuestions for OrganizingChapter 18 Developing VoiceIntroductionEstablishing PresenceChoosing DetailsControlling Speed and TimeManaging the IUsing AllusionsPromoting CuriosityUsing Figurative LanguageWhispering (Drawing Readers in Close)Yelling (Emphasizing Points)Using Sentence LengthBuilding CredibilityDrawing on ExperienceArguing, Conceding, and QualifyingAvoiding Harsh DescriptionTalking with, Not Arguing at, ReadersApplying Rogerian ArgumentCreating Reasonable ToneFollowing ConventionsConsidering Verb MoodAdjusting FormalityExploring the BoundariesQuestions for Developing VoiceChapter 19 Vitalizing SentencesIntroductionControlling the PaceTurn Clauses to PhrasesTurn Phrases to WordsCombine SentencesSubordinate Less Important IdeasExperiment with LengthAvoid Unnecessary InterruptionAvoid Over-EmbeddingAvoid PileupsAvoid Vague PronounsCleaning the LanguageAvoid ClichsAvoid Stilted LanguageAvoid Unnecessary Attention to IAvoid Unnecessary Attention to YouClean Up Attributive PhrasesAvoid BlueprintingCondense Wordy PhrasesAvoid ExpletivesThrow Away the ObviousGetting SpecificVitalize with VerbsAvoid Be Verbs When PossibleExperimenting with PatternsRepeat Clause or Phrase PatternsIntensify with a SeriesTry Absolutes!Try the Stylistic Fragment ? Stylistic FragmentsDeliberately Break a Rule!Questions for Vitalizing WritingOnline ChaptersChapter 20 Additional ReadingsChapter 21 Rhetorical HandbookIndex


Format Paperback
Publisher Cengage Learning, Inc
Year 2024
Edition 7th
ISBN-13 9780357945834
Country of Publication United States
Audience Tertiary & Higher Education
ISBN-10 0357945832
Author John Mauk
Pages 638
Edition Description 7th edition
Imprint Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc
Place of Publication Belmont, CA
Replaces 9781337556064
DEWEY 808.0420711
AU Release Date 2024-02-15
Publication Date 2024-02-16
US Release Date 2024-02-16
UK Release Date 2024-02-16
