Homedics Total Clean 5 In 1 Air Purifier Home AP-T20WTCC-GB with 2 HEPA Filters
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Keep the air in your home clean with the Homedics Total Clean 5 In 1 Air Purifier Home AP-T20WTCC-GB.
This plug-in air purifier features 2 HEPA filters and a power consumption of 37W.
 It also comes with a timer control, allowing you to set it to run for up to 12 hours.
 The Homedics Total Clean 5 In 1 Air Purifier Home AP-T20WTCC-GB is designed for whole room application and comes in a sleek white colour. It has a variety of features, including quiet operation, automatic shut off, and a night light.
Additionally, it has a nighttime/sleep mode for a peaceful and uninterrupted sleep. Improve your air quality with this versatile and efficient air purifier.