Wiccan Sabbat Spell Candle Set

Wiccan Sabbat Spell Candle Set

Wiccan Sabbat Spell Candle Set

Celebrate the turning of the wheel with these 2-ounce candles to commemorate the Pagan Wheel of the Year.

Each Sabbat is represented with these gorgeous candles. Each candle is filled with herbs and other goodies to celebrate the corresponding season.

In this set are:

Samhain Sabbat Candle. Samhain is one of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats (holy festivals) that make up the pagan Wheel of the Year. It marks the 3rd and final harvest of the year. This day is known by many names including Halloween and All Hallow’s Eve.

Yule Sabbat Candle. Yule is one of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats (holy festivals) that make up the pagan Wheel of the Year. It marks the longest night of the year and signifies the Sun’s rebirth. Yule is comparable the Christian holiday Christmas.

Imbolc Sabbat Candle. Imbolc is one of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats (holy festivals) that make up the pagan Wheel of the Year. Sometimes referred to as Candlemas, Imbolc is comparable with Groundhog’s Day

Ostara Sabbat Candle. Ostara is one of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats (holy festivals) that make up the pagan Wheel of the Year. It marks the return of Spring and is also known as the vernal equinox.

Beltane Sabbat Candle. Beltane is one of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats (holy festivals) that make up the pagan Wheel of the Year. It marks the midway point between Ostara and Litha. It is also known as May Pole.

Litha Sabbat Candle. Litha is one of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats (holy festivals) that make up the pagan Wheel of the Year. It marks the longest day of the year and signifies the Sun at its pinnacle before Autumn . Litha is the beginning of Summer.

Lughnasadh Sabbat Candle. Lughnasadh is one of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats (holy festivals) that make up the pagan Wheel of the Year. It is the first of 3 harvest festivals. This holy day also goes by the name Lammas.

Mabon Sabbat Candle. Mabon is one of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats (holy festivals) that make up the pagan Wheel of the Year. It marks the 2nd harvest of the year.

Each candle is 2 ounces and comes in a metal tin with screw top lid.



Shipping cost:

Delivery time:
5-7 days


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  • PayPal

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