SOOM old-style Super Gem Female Body
This doll was purchased piecemeal (all transactions were conducted on DoA).
Therefore the parts don't match perfectly and there is some uneven yellowing.

Torso, arms, hands, hips, and calves came from Gus251 (these are from an MD Cass)
Bust and feet came from Nezumitoo (these are from MD Nephelin)

Please note that she has heeled feet only.
Wing holes have been permanently glued and cannot be removed.
The old Super Gem body went through some updates, these are the old peanut style elbows which are compatible with older fantasy parts like Cass mermaid fin forearms and Amber's fur forearms (neither are included, this is for informational purposes).
It should be noted that sculpts released on the old-style Super Gem body fit this body better proportionally than newer sculpts which are slightly smaller.
All of my dolls and parts are authentic, please don't support recasts.