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A Gypsy Wedding and a Scottish Funeral

by Francisco Angulo de Lafuente

With his newest work "A Gypsy Wedding and a Scottish Funeral", Angulo's literary career continues going from strength to strength. This historical novel set in 1980s Spain masterfully balances colorful characters, hilarious misadventures, and sobering commentary on poverty and prejudice. Critics praise Angulo's Dickensian scope and insight into the human condition. But most of all, readers will get swept up in the story of two friends and their quixotic dreams of a better life. Angulo's compassionate eye for humanity's flaws and hopes makes this rip-roaring adventure tale a must-read."I had to write fourteen horror novels before I could write one of humor."Nothing in Agustín's life had been easy. He had worked since he was fifteen and knew very well what it was to earn every penny by the sweat of his brow. Contrary to what most people in so-called first world countries may think, hunger is also suffered there, although one may not die from it, as it is always possible to survive on stale bread or, as Agustín had been doing for the past two years, on macaroni rinsed with a little fried tomato sauce on top - nothing fancy, no sausages or premium Orlando tomato sauce. While people here may not die of hunger, they do die of depression and disgust...Surrounded by poor wretches, alcoholics, drug addicts, dealers, and yet he considered them his people, as he had seen how those unfortunate souls were capable of stealing your wallet only to later spend the money on buying food for the neighbor's children. When the family living on the first floor had their electricity cut off in the middle of winter, Luisito, the fourth-floor drug dealer, who survived on bread soaked in oil, bulk cheap wine, and packs of African cigarettes - "selling marijuana didn't provide enough to live on" - ran a hose from his apartment down to the first floor, sharing his electricity.He often remembered what a sergeant told him when he entered the army for compulsory military service: - Don't worry about hazing, here the nasty tricks are done by us.When the blows come from within, when your own government is the enemy, minorities, outcasts, and the oppressed unite like brothers. Hell is more welcoming when the devils accept you into the family.A toast to the sun with cheap wine: The New Year's resolution of the addict, the alcoholic, the dealer, the pickpocket, and the prostitute to start a new life. But no one escapes hell, perhaps except _Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy, _ and even that was fiction, a novel, a comedy.

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Author Biography

Francisco AnguloMadrid, 1976Enthusiast of fantasy cinema and literature and a lifelong fan of Isaac Asimov and Stephen King, Angulo starts his literary career by submitting short stories to different contests. At 17 he finishes his first book - a collection of poems - and tries to publish it. Far from feeling intimidated by the discouraging responses from publishers, he decides to push ahead and tries even harder.In 2006 he published his first novel "The Relic", a science fiction tale that was received with very positive reviews. In 2008 he presented "Ecofa" an essay on biofuels, whereAngulorecounts his experiences in the research project he works on. In 2009 he published "Kira and the Ice Storm".A difficultbut very productive year, in2010 he completed "Eco-fuel-FA", a science book in English. He also worked on several literary projects: "The Best of 2009-2010", "The Legend of Tarazashi 2009-2010", "The Sniffer 2010", "Destination Havana 2010-2011" and "Company No.12".He currently works as director of research at the Ecofa project. Angulo is the developer of the first 2nd generation biofuel obtained from organic waste fed bacteria. He specialises in environmental issues and science-fiction novels.His expertise in the scientific field is reflected in the innovations and technological advances he talks about in his books, almost prophesying what lies ahead, as Jules Verne didin his time.Francisco AnguloMadrid-1976Gran aficionado al cine y a la literatura fantástica, seguidor de Asimov y de Stephen King, Comienza su andadura literaria presentando relatos cortos a diferentes certámenes. A los 17 años termina su primer libro, un poemario que intenta publicar sin éxito. Lejos de amedrentarse ante las respuestas desalentadoras de las editoriales, decide seguir adelante, trabajando con más ahínco.


Author Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
Pages 160
Publisher Charles Scribner's & Company
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798223373704
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-09-02
Imprint Charles Scribner's & Company
Audience General
