Dual Motor 3D Vibration Plate Oscillation, Vibration + 3D Motion | Huge Anti-Slip Surface | Bluetooth Speakers

Bluefin 3d vibration plate
Bluefin 3d vibration plate

BLUEFIN Fitness 3D Vibration Plate

Lose weight, gain muscle & improve fitness with the COMPLETE vibration setup from BLUEFIN Fitness. With 3D Vibration + Oscillation the 3D vibration plate provides cutting edge weight loss technology for the home. Improve circulation, reduce cellulite and increase bone density with the power of vibration.

Bluefin 3d vibration plate

3D Oscillation From Silent Dual Motors

Only dual motors can provide 3D vibration and oscillation for a complete high frequency workout.Lose weight, increase strength and improve your health with Horizontal Oscillation, Linear Vibration and combined 3D motion.

Bluefin 3d vibration plate

Integrated Bluetooth Speaker

Up the tempo with your favourite music!Our integrated Bluetooth speakers connect to any Bluetooth device in seconds to keep you motivated.

Bluefin 3d vibration plate

Remote Control + LCD Display

Control your workout remotely! Speed things up or chill things out mid workout with Bluefin’s remote control. Adjust vibration intensity, time, vibration type or select automatic programmes without interrupting your progress.Track your workout with the bright LCD display. Time and intensity level are easy to read from above with our high contrast touch screen.Control intensity, time and programmes from the face of your plate with responsive touch technology.

Bluefin 3d vibration plate

180 Levels + 5 Automatic programs

The 3D Vibration Plate is packed with cutting edge vibration fitness technology.Our fitness specialists have programed 5 workouts just for you. Each 10 minute program is designed for specific goals: general fitness, fat loss, strength building, massage & circulation or bone density.180 levels of vibration intensity challenge anyone from athletes to total beginners.Start your fitness journey as soon as you open the box!

Bluefin 3d vibration plate

Enhance Your Workout

Enhance your workout and overall fitness with Bluefin’s Resistance Cables, workout & diet guides. Adjustable resistance cables attach quickly &securely to the plate for full body exercise options. Use our workout & diet guides to program the ultimate healthy lifestyle plan!

Bluefin 3d vibration plate

Burn Fat & Lose Weight

  • Vibrations enhance simple exercise routines
  • Significantly improves weight-loss targets
  • Reduces timescales of your set goals
Bluefin 3d vibration plate

Increase Muscle Power

  • Muscles contract up to 50 times more than usual
  • Gives rapid results without the intensity of a heavy workout
  • Target specific muscle groups for more definition & size
Bluefin 3d vibration plate

Improves Your Core Strength

  • Vibrations force abdomen, back & pelvis muscles to work harder
  • Improves core strength & athletic power
  • Makes physical activity easier over period of time
Bluefin 3d vibration plate

Enhance Toning & Shaping

  • Combats cellulite build-up for ideal tone & shape
  • Combine your workout with cellulite-busting exercises
  • Experience visibly rapid & rewarding results