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Painting the Mosque for Christmas?

by Geoffrey Allen

This is the story of one person. An errand boy, junior artist, car washer, cub, scout, choirboy, glass runner, wine waiter, postman, tomato plant and faggot stripper, potato picker, life guard, scout leader, canoe instructor, teacher, cattle rancher, polo player, forest and sawmill manager, head of English,

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Publisher Description

This is the story of one person. An errand boy, junior artist, car washer, cub, scout, choirboy, glass runner, wine waiter, postman, tomato plant and faggot stripper, potato picker, life guard, scout leader, canoe instructor, teacher, cattle rancher, polo player, forest and sawmill manager, head of English, logger, general manager, managing director, importer, exporter, businessman, outdoor pursuits instructor, fund raiser, headmaster, principal, CEO, school founder, advisor and appraiser, mentor, model, poet, playwright, writer and actor in the UK and many countries of Central, Southern and Western Africa through good times and bad.The author deals sympathetically with the nostalgia of a post-war childhood in Bristol, detailing with many of the joys and problems of childhood before leaping into adulthood with entertaining narrative and dialogue.Africa takes hold with many incidents and observations backed by humour and acute observations of post-colonial developments. Life was never dull and he has sat on crocodiles and slept with lions as well as experiencing coups and unrest where some humour can still be found. He has met royalty and personalities from a wide mixture of society and has also been a friend of presidents and heads of state - herein lies a tantalising mix of European and African life in a kaleidoscopic presentation of humour, pathos, seriousness and shrewd observation.

Author Biography

From the safety and security of his extended Bristol family, the author, Geoffrey Allen, has launched himself into the post-war years; gradually, widening his horizons and seizing every opportunity to indulge his adventurous spirit at home and abroad. An adventurer at heart, with the full realization that even now, he has difficulty in coming to terms with his environment. He embraced the mighty continent of Africa on first acquaintance where he has survived arrest, imprisonment, coups and unrest as well as leading an exciting life. This autobiography's written in a refreshing style and holds much of interest and is a good read.


Author Geoffrey Allen
Publisher Austin Macauley Publishers
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781398417748
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-08-18
Imprint Austin Macauley Publishers
Place of Publication London
Country of Publication United Kingdom
Audience General
UK Release Date 2023-08-18
Pages 504
DEWEY 828.9209
ISBN-10 1398417742
