Organic eco-friendly natural wood ash, great for gardeners solutions and more!

Use with care to prevent burning the foliage (do not get it directly on growing plants).
Wood ash raises the pH of your soil, please test the soil to ensure that it does not become overly alkaline.

Unlike the decomposed remains of leaves, stems and other green plant parts, burned wood doesn’t contain nitrogen. But it does provide phosphorous, potassium, calcium, boron and other elements that growing plants need. It’s also very alkaline and useful for raising the pH in gardens. You’ll need about twice as much of it as lime, but it will supply nutrients at the same time 

* Used in rawhides process.
* Used for chicken bath and to help keep the coop clean (helps reduce odors).
* Used for slug, snail and ant repellent
* Used in organic hydroponic solutions.
* Used for potter as it acts as a flux, reducing the melting point of glaze.
* Used to make lye and or wood ash soap.

Absolutely No Metal or Trash or Coals, pure Hardwood Ash TRIPLE  SIFTED!!!!
I am are not responsible for your plants or the way you choose to use wood ash, please do some research before using