Size: 17 cm L enght

Sacrificial supplies, Ming coins, USD 100 burning paper, good paper, Zhongyuan Festival writing envelope, Yinsi paper, heaven and Ming tickets

Double Sided

Joss Paper

Hungry Ghost Spirit

Funeral Paper

Ancestor Worship

Ching Ming Festival

1. Hell money

In China, the burning of ghost money is used as 'hell money'for the dead.'Hell money' can be divided into: Hummer money (using mallet and iron money mold, beating the shape of money on the paper).Cutting money (cutting the paper into squares and sticking it with gold and silver foil, or folding it into ingots like gold and silver), and Printing money (imitating modern paper money and silver dollar, printing "hell bank" and various numerical amounts.Like paper money circulating in the world)

How to burn? (Please make sure to pay attention to safety)

please prepare a windproof lighter before burning paper money.Please prepare one more just in case.Because July 14 (China's ghost festival) is more cloudy, windy, and sometimes accompanied by rain (related to feng shui).At the same time , you should also prepare a small stick, mainly to allow the paper money to fully burn, so that the ancestors can receive the paper money.

We also pay attention to the burning time. If you choose to burn Hell Money in the daytime, you must name your ancestors or friends so that you can give them the money. If you meet someone who burns money on the road, you must try to avoid it. If you can't avoid it, please say something to ask for forgiveness when passing by.

When burning the Hell Money, draw a circle on the ground. Of course, don't enclose yourself in it. At the same time, leave a gap in the direction where the ancestors live, so that the ancestors can take money in advance, and prevent other ghosts from stealing money.

When burning the Hell Money, you must be serious. Don't play

 Although we have always stressed that we should prevent ghosts from robbing our ancestors of paper money. But share something with them. When burning, divide several pieces to the lonely souls who have no relatives or have been forgotten, so as to avoid bad luck.

When we burn paper, we often hear grandfathers chanting and saying that their children and grandchildren have come to see you. This is a way to pay homage to their ancestors and pray for protection.

Everything has a beginning and an end. You must wait until the paper money is burnt out. Don't rush for a moment. It's a homage to the ancestors and a fire prevention