Planet Ayurveda Praanrakshak Churna

Planet Ayurveda Praanrakshak Churna is a beneficial blend of anti-allergy herbs. These herbs work synergistically and are highly beneficial in chronic allergies such as respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, and asthma. It is a herb that can help relieve asthma and soothe mucous membranes. It is antibacterial, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic.

Ingredient used in Planet Ayurveda Praanrakshak Churna

Benefits of Planet Ayurveda Praanrakshak Churna

Dosage of Planet Ayurveda Praanrakshak Churna

Use as directed by the physician.

Side-Effects of Planet Ayurveda Praanrakshak Churna

There are no side effects of Planet Ayurveda Praanrakshak Churna.

Precautions to be taken while using Planet Ayurveda Praanrakshak Churna

Additional Information