This limited edition Berkley Medallion book by Joseph Shearing, titled "To Bed At Noon," is a must-have for any literature enthusiast. Published in Dec. 1965, this crime novel is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. With a captivating storyline and impeccable writing, it is a valuable addition to any book collection.

"She was very young, very aristocratic, with a rare mind and uncommon beauty. Her name was Challis Allen, and she was everything that Marcus Dallam wanted in a wife. There was only one thing wrong. Marcus was a proud man with a growing position in the most conservative circles of Kentucky, a state just out of its pioneer era. Challis detested “polite society." Her favorite clothing was buckskin, her favorite companions her slaves, her favorite haunt the forest, which she could slip through like an Indian. But Challis was irresistible to Marcus; and she intended to have him. Even so, he might have escaped unscathed if the slave, Tully, had not interfered. As it was, he never had a chance..."

Joseph Shearing was the pseudonym used by Gabrielle Margaret Long, for her powerful novels of terror and mystery

The book's cover and pages are in great condition, and it has been well-preserved over the years. This is a rare find for collectors of antiquarian and collectible books.