This is for a 1" x .5" CDF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION bear pin.   This pin is from about 1993 to the early 2000s.   The pin is in good shape.


California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) is an emergency response and resource protection department. The CAL FIRE protects lives, property, and natural resources from fire; responds to emergencies of all types; and protects, preserves, and enhances timberlands, wildlands, and urban forests.

 The CAL FIRE responds to more than 5,600 wildland fires that burn over 172,000 acres each year. In addition, department personnel answer the call more than 300,000 times per year for other emergencies including structure fires, automobile accidents, medical aids, swift water rescues, civil disturbances, search and rescues, hazardous material spills, train wrecks, floods, and earthquakes.

 California is rich in natural resources. Of the 85 million acres classified as wildlands, nearly 17 million are commercial forestland, half privately owned and half government owned. This timbered forestland grows 3.8 billion board feet annually. Approximately two billion board feet of timber is harvested per year, with a value of over one billion dollars. In addition to timber, the state's wildlands also provide valuable watershed, range, wildlife habitat, and recreation resources.

 Maintaining the sustainability of all these natural resources and continuing to protect the people and land of California is the goal of the CAL FIRE. The department achieves this goal by administering state and federal forestry assistance programs for landowners; demonstrating sound management practices on eight demonstration state forests; enforcing the California Forest Practice Act on all non-federal timberlands; providing research and educational outreach to the public on forest pests such as Sudden Oak Death; growing seedlings for reforestation efforts; and other important needs such as reducing the effects of global warming and coordinating efforts for fuel reduction to reduce the risk of fire and improve the quality of California ecosystems.

 The CAL FIRE's mission emphasizes the management and protection of California's natural resources.The men and women of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) are dedicated to the fire protection and stewardship of over 31 million acres of California's privately-owned wildlands. In addition, the Department provides varied emergency services in 36 of the State's 58 counties via contracts with local governments.

The Department's firefighters, fire engines, and aircraft respond to an average of more than 5,600 wildland fires each year. Those fires burn more than 172,000 acres annually.

While Californians are learning more and more about the good as well as the bad of fire, the prevention of large, damaging fires remains a priority for CAL FIRE. From Smokey Bear, to the thousands of CAL FIRE Volunteers in Prevention (VIPs), to new alliances with communities, private industry, and government agencies, aggressive action in fire prevention and fire safety is occurring throughout the State.

Beyond its wildland fire fighting role, CAL FIRE answers the call more than 350,000 times for other emergencies each year. It may very well be a CAL FIRE engine and crew that is dispatched to the scene of an auto accident, or to a home where a child has become the victim of a drowning incident. The Department is always ready to respond - medical aids; hazardous material spills; swiftwater rescues; search and rescue missions; civil disturbances; train wrecks; floods, earthquakes and more.

Fire Fighter I & II, Fire Apparatus

Engineer, and Fire Captain, Battalion Chief, fireman, fire engine, fire marshal, arson investigator,