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Python for Healthcare & Medical Research

by Hayden Van Der Post

Unlock the Power of Python in Healthcare and Medical Research!In the fast-evolving world of healthcare and medical research, data-driven insights and innovation are key. Python, a versatile programming language, has emerged as a vital tool, enabling professionals to harness the full potential of data for groundbreaking discoveries. "Python for Healthcare & Medical Research" is your comprehensive guide to mastering Python in the context of healthcare.Discover the Untapped Potential:

  • Dive into a compelling journey through the realm of healthcare and medical research.
  • Learn how Python is transforming the landscape of data analysis, research, and innovation.
  • Gain insights into the advantages of using Python, from data manipulation to cutting-edge machine learning applications.
A Blueprint for Success:
  • This book meticulously outlines the structure and objectives, guiding you through Python's essential elements.
  • Unearth best practices and industry-proven techniques for clean, maintainable code.
  • Grasp the significance of code readability and adherence to Python's style guide (PEP 8).
Master Data Manipulation:
  • Unlock the secrets of data handling and manipulation tailored to healthcare.
  • Explore the power of libraries like NumPy and Pandas for efficient data management.
  • Learn techniques for data cleaning, preprocessing, and merging dataframes to glean meaningful insights.
Visualize and Analyze:
  • Elevate your data analysis skills with cutting-edge data visualization techniques.
  • Master the art of visualizing healthcare data with Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly.
  • Explore statistical analysis, correlation, and regression methods for evidence-based medical research.
Machine Learning Demystified:
  • Delve into the world of machine learning and its profound impact on healthcare.
  • Use Scikit-Learn for building predictive models, and understand feature engineering.
  • Equip yourself with the knowledge to evaluate and select the best models for healthcare data.
Revolutionize Medical Imaging:
  • Discover the wonders of deep learning in medical image analysis.
  • Learn to build and train Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for diagnosing medical conditions.
  • Explore practical case studies showcasing the real-world applications of deep learning.
Conquer NLP Challenges:
  • Decode the role of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in healthcare.
  • Unearth text preprocessing techniques and develop healthcare chatbots.
  • Dive into clinical text analytics and Named Entity Recognition (NER) for comprehensive text data analysis.
Ethics and Privacy Matter:
  • Understand the ethical considerations and privacy regulations in healthcare data usage.
  • Learn methods for anonymizing and securing sensitive healthcare data.
  • Navigate the intricate landscape of healthcare data ethics with confidence.
Real-World Integration:
  • Unearth the intricacies of data integration with Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems.
  • Learn how to extract data from healthcare databases and handle real-time data streams.
  • Build healthcare APIs and explore a real-life case study on data integration.

Brand New


Author Hayden Van Der Post
Pages 312
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798865184492
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-10-23
Imprint Independently Published
Subtitle Exploring the Exciting World of Possibilities with Python
Audience General
