"Ether and Reality: A Series of Discourses on the Many Functions of the Ether of Space" by Sir Oliver Lodge, published by Hodder and Stoughton Limited, of London, in 1926, and INSCRIBED BY SIR OLIVER LODGE HIMSELF on the front facing page in April 1929, 179 pages. The inscription reads: "To JSR Shuter from Oliver Lodge April 1929" ("Shuter" could also be read as "Shuten", it's hard to tell, but I think it says "Shuter". I tried to look up the name both ways and haven't found anything online).

Due to the high value of this book, I will insure it through the post office, at my expense, as a courtesy for the buyer when it is mailed.

VERY RARE AND SCARCE, even without being inscribed by Sir Oliver Lodge!!!

Very Good Condition, especially considering its age, good intact binding, nice spine, no torn pages, the only post publication marking is the inscription by Sir Oliver Lodge himself. See photos.

Published in 1925, "Ether and Reality" is a philosophical treatise written by the renowned British physicist and philosopher, Sir Oliver Lodge. It delves into the then-prevalent concept of the ether and its role in understanding the physical world and human experience.

Central Theme: The Ether and its Significance

The book revolves around the concept of the ether, a hypothetical medium believed to fill all of space in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Lodge argues that the ether is not merely a passive substance but an active and dynamic entity crucial for comprehending various phenomena:

Beyond Physics: Philosophical Implications

Lodge goes beyond the realm of physics, exploring the philosophical implications of the ether. He delves into:

Overall, "Ether and Reality" offers a unique perspective on the physical world and the human experience. While the concept of the ether has been superseded by modern scientific advancements like Einstein's theory of relativity, the book remains a valuable historical document and a thought-provoking exploration of the ever-evolving human quest to understand the universe and our place within it.

It's important to remember that the book reflects the scientific understanding of the time and some of the ideas presented are no longer considered valid in light of new discoveries. However, it offers valuable insights into the history of scientific thought and the ongoing human endeavor to comprehend the complexities of the universe.


Sir Oliver Lodge: A Life Bridging Science and the Spirit World

Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge (1851-1940) was a fascinating figure who straddled the worlds of science and the spirit realm. He made significant contributions to the development of radio technology, while also holding a deep fascination with the possibility of life after death.

Early Life and Scientific Achievements:

Born in 1851, Lodge received a strong scientific education and developed a passion for experimentation. He obtained his degree from the University of London and went on to hold prestigious academic positions at University College London and University College Liverpool. During this period, Lodge made crucial discoveries in the field of electromagnetism. He independently verified the existence of electromagnetic radiation prior to Heinrich Hertz's famous experiment, and in 1894, he unveiled the "coherer," a groundbreaking radio wave detector that paved the way for early radio communication. Lodge also held key patents for radio technology, contributing significantly to its advancement.

Shifting Focus and Controversy:

In 1900, Lodge became the first principal of the newly established University of Birmingham. However, around the same time, his interests began to shift towards the realm of psychical research. He became deeply interested in the possibility of communicating with the dead and believed that science could provide evidence for an afterlife. This shift in focus, while intriguing to some, sparked controversy within the scientific community. Despite his scientific credentials, Lodge's claims about life after death were met with skepticism and criticism by many scientists.


While Lodge's later focus on psychical research may have tarnished his scientific reputation to some extent, his contributions to the early development of radio remain undeniable. He was a pioneer in the field and his inventions played a key role in laying the foundation for modern communication technologies.

Sir Oliver Lodge's life and work present a unique case study of a brilliant mind exploring the boundaries of both the physical and spiritual worlds. He left behind a complex legacy, challenging us to consider the diverse ways in which human curiosity can be expressed.