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Generic Changes

by Izabella Mali

Fantasy and Science have often been mutually exclusive terms; if magic, fantasy existed in a creation, there was no room for science in it, and vice versa. Books, movies, TV series tend to use just one of them. Nevertheless, one creation, does mix them. Namely, the 2017 TV series, entitled, Emerald City, an adaptation of Frank L. Baum`s children`s novel The Wizard of Oz. The novel belongs to the gene of Fantasy. Throughout ages, the book had many adaptations. The one mentioned above is interesting in particular. While the other adaptations are created within the same genre, Fantasy, this one seems to change it, for the Science Fiction and present a fresh take on the story. The TV series contains many Science Fiction elements, like cyborgs, or robot flying monkey, but these do not change the genre. My paper`s aim is to prove this, namely; that even if the TV series has many Science Fiction elements, therefore, it seems to belong to the genre of Science Fiction, this is just the appearance, as a matter of fact, it remains a Fantasy creation, just as its original source.

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Author Izabella Mali
Pages 52
Publisher Globeedit
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9786200644299
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-03-09
Imprint Globeedit
Subtitle (Un)Faithful Adaptation of The Wizard of Oz
Audience General
