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Understanding Scout, Pixie's Protective Playmate Pooch

by Helen A. Bemis

For Scout, strike one was biting a boy who did not know how to interact with a dog. Perhaps this was strike two, as Scout had already been abandoned, a mixed breed, some Beagle, some Collie, some other intelligent dogs in his ancestry, not a pure-bred by any means. Strike three might lead to being labeled a "dangerous dog" or even "put to sleep," his demise. He needed rigorous training, fast. Riverview Animal Shelter could provide that training if it survived the schemes of a shady lawyer. Meanwhile, a vital member of the RAS was coping with a different kind of trouble, something growing in her brain. Two others connected with the RAS had serious but different medical problems. Scout's home was changed because of this. It was not the last such change for him. Pixie, a young, shy girl, fell in love with Scout, and he, with her, becoming her protective playmate and the excuse for two single adults to spend time together. "Do I smell smoke?" Yes. Where there is smoke, often there is fire, and sometimes an arsonist. Fire changes lives., including Scout's and Pixie's. In addition to several sections that describe the RAS training-with-love techniques, the novel has romance and mystery to spice up the stories of the people who populate the lives of Scout and Pixie. Helen Bemis has enjoyed working with dogs all her life. She is grateful for the opportunity to help others understand these loving companions. UNDERSTANDING SCOUT features some extensive descriptions of her training-with-love methods. She grew up on a dairy farm in Upper New York State. She obtained a college degree at SUNY Adirondack, earned the Certified Professional Dog Trainer international certification, and has a successful business, K-9 Karing. Helen has published over a dozen novels in her UNDERSTANDING... series. She loves to hear people say, "Helen has gone to the dogs."

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Author Helen A. Bemis
Pages 98
Publisher Outskirts Press
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781977259110
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-02-21
Imprint Outskirts Press
Subtitle A Riverview Animal Shelter Novel (Book #15)
Audience General
