The Nile on eBay


by Juniper Ashe

In an underground world on a planet light years from Earth, the children of Triune have been learning how to survive their Final Binding. It's an electrifying procedure that will push their bodies to reach their full potential or kill them while trying. Gilly is the only one of her friends who hasn't bloomed into any of her Gifts. The Gifts that come with each binding made one stronger for the next, and soon the strongest most powerful binding would be thrusted onto them.
Gilly and her friends have spent their entire lives in The Middle training and fighting to one day make it to The Upper. The Upper was a place they had heard so much about and dreamed of one day seeing with their own eyes. Now with the most powerful binding merely days away mysteries and lies start to unravel as the friends push on to find answers so they all can survive to make it to the Upper and find their Hiraeth.

Brand New


Author Juniper Ashe
Pages 186
Publisher MindStir Media
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781958729854
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-01-20
Imprint MindStir Media
Subtitle The Spirit Within
Audience Teenage / Young adult
Audience Age 13-18
