Up for auction "Belgian Ambassador" Paul May Hand Signed Business Card. 


Belgian Ambassador Paul May, the Belgian Embassy today informed the Jewish Daily Bulletin that a very “intimate religious ceremony” will be held on Thursday as part of the funeral arrangements for the brilliant diplomat. Ambassador May died here last night following an operation for gallstones. Had he lived until October, he would have been sixty-two years old. An attache at the Embassy said that efforts are being made to reach Rabbi Abram Simon, leader of the Washington Hebrew Congregation, to have him conduct the ceremonies. Rabbi Simon is now in Atlantic City. Due to his absence from the city, the plans have not been finally arranged. According to the tentative plans, the ceremony will be held at the Belgian Embassy, after which the body will be removed to Arlington Cemetery for temporary burial. From Arlington, about ten days later, the body will be taken aboard a United States warship, according to announcement of the State Department, and carried back to Belgium where the official funeral will be held. Madame May, the Ambassador’s wife, will accompany the body on the trip to Belgium. Secretary of State Hull has instructed the American Charge d’Affaires at Brussels to convey to the Belgian government the sorrow felt by the United States.