They Rode With Mosby: Stories of Mosby’s Most Daring Rangers

By Eric W. Buckland

294 pages


The 43rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry – “Mosby’s Rangers” – is one of the most famous units of the Civil War. Colonel John Singleton Mosby, the battalion’s only commander, has had several books written about him and he remains the “face” of the command. There is no doubt that he was an exceptional leader and that his personal story is both fascinating and compelling. As a tribute to his remarkable success as a leader of men fighting against the United States, John S. Mosby became a member of the first group of men inducted into the United States Army Ranger Hall of Fame located in FT. Benning, GA. His inclusion in that select collection of distinguished and heroic men speaks volumes about the respect the United States Army continues to have for Mosby.

However, it must be remembered that there would never have been a “Mosby” had it not been for the men – Mosby Men – who rode with him.

No military leader achieves greatness without having singularly outstanding and talented subordinates executing his orders – such was the case with Mosby. This book tells the stories of some of those exceptional men. They are stories that should be told…and remembered.

About the Author:

Eric Buckland graduated from The University of Kansas with a B.A. in English and a commission as a 2LT in the United States Army. He followed that with a 22-year military career and retired from the Army as a Lieutenant Colonel. The majority of his career was spent in Special Forces. Some of his awards include the Special Forces and Ranger Tabs, Master Parachutist Badge, Special Operations Combat Diver Badge and the Combat Infantryman Badge. He is the President of the Stuart-Mosby Historical Society and a volunteer for the Mosby Heritage Area Association where he participates in the Mosby Heritage Area Interpretive Group.