**Taurus SC Fipronil Termiticide: The Ultimate Guide for Effective Pest Control**

Taurus SC Fipronil Termiticide is a professional-grade pest control solution designed to effectively manage and eliminate termite populations as well as a variety of other insect pests. This guide will provide you with comprehensive information on what Taurus SC is, how to use it, where to apply it, which insects it targets, application rates, and safety precautions.

**What is Taurus SC Fipronil Termiticide?**

- Taurus SC is a suspended concentrate termiticide containing the active ingredient Fipronil.
- It is a generic version of the popular Termidor product and is known for its non-repellent properties.
- The product is formulated to provide long-lasting control of termites and other pests, with a residual effectiveness that can last up to 9 years after application.

**How to Use Taurus SC**

- Taurus SC should be mixed with water according to the label instructions and applied using a sprayer.
- It is important to follow the mixing ratios precisely to ensure the effectiveness of the product.
- Once mixed, the solution should be used within 24 hours to maintain its potency.

**Where to Apply Taurus SC**

- Taurus SC is versatile and can be used both indoors and outdoors.
- For termite control, it is commonly applied as a perimeter treatment around the foundation of buildings.
- It can also be used for trenching treatments, where the solution is poured into a trench dug around the structure to create a protective barrier.

**Insects Labeled for Taurus SC**

- Taurus SC is labeled to control a wide range of insects, including:
  - Termites
  - Ants
  - Beetles
  - Stink bugs
  - Other wood-destroying insects

**How Much to Apply**

- The application rate of Taurus SC depends on the target pest and the severity of the infestation.
- For termite control, the typical rate is 0.8 ounces of Taurus SC per gallon of water for every 10 linear feet.
- Always refer to the product label for specific application rates and instructions for different pests.

**Safety Precautions**

- When handling and applying Taurus SC, it is crucial to wear protective safety equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and long-sleeved clothing.
- Avoid inhaling the product or allowing it to come into contact with skin or eyes.
- Keep children and pets away from treated areas until the solution has dried completely.
- Store Taurus SC in a secure location out of reach of children and pets.


Taurus SC Fipronil Termiticide is a powerful tool in the fight against termites and other pests. By following the guidelines provided in this guide, you can ensure safe and effective pest control in and around your property. Always remember to read and adhere to the product label for the best results and safety practices.