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The 'Chronic'les Series

by Vineet Gambhir

The 'Chronic'les Series is a two-part book inspired by real-life experiences of an Indian boy who's on the brink of getting married but doesn't know how to decide on the right life partner. 'Chronicles of the Arranged Boy, gives a fun spin to the dilemma faced by our protagonist, Abhay Mathur, who has grown up to believe that arranged marriage is the way to go. But for some reason, he's just not able to set his mind on someone and find the right partner. Have times changed? Do arranged marriages still work? Or is he just confused? 'Chronicles of the Married Boy, is the next chapter in Abhay's journey where a chance encounter with a mysterious woman makes him start believing in the possibility of true love. Except there's only one problem - she's the exact opposite of the life partner he had in mind. Is Kaavya the one Abhay's been waiting for all his life? Or is there another setback in store for him? Join Abhay on this epic adventure as he embarks on a quest to find the woman of his dreams.

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Author Vineet Gambhir
Pages 144
Publisher Fiction
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9788119512195
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-08-19
Imprint Fiction
Audience General
