Global cities
Global Cities
Lotus international 110
Electa, 2001
page 144
language: Italian - English
Overall in good condition, signs of use on the back cover.

David Harvey
Possible urban worlds
Possible Urban Worlds

Saskia Sassen
Urban economies and the cancellation of distances
Urban Economies and Fading Distances

Cities and architecture
City and Architecture

Ignasi de Solà Morales


Nan Ellin
Slash City

Edward W. Soja
Digital communities, SimCity and the hyperreality of everyday life
Digital Communities, SimCities and the Hyperreality of Everyday Life

The adventures of Planning
Adventures in Planning

Luigi Mazza
A new pact for urban planning. The case of Milan
A New Pact for Urbanism. The Case of Milan


Marcel Smets
The new infrastructure landscape in Europe
The Contemporary Landscape of Europe's Infrastructure

Alessandro Rocca

Global cities Global Cities Lotus international 110 Electa, 2001 language: Italian - English Overall in good condition, signs of use on the back cover. Possible urban worlds Possible Urban Worlds Saskia Sassen Urban economies and the cancellation of distances Urban Economies and Fading Distances Cities and architecture City and Architecture Ignasi de Solà Morales Edward W. Soja Digital communities, SimCity and the hyperreality of everyday life Digital Communities, SimCities and the Hyperreality of Everyday Life The adventures of Planning Adventures in Planning A new pact for urban planning. The case of Milan A New Pact for Urbanism. The Case of Milan Infrastructure Infrastructures The new infrastructure landscape in Europe The Contemporary Landscape of Europe's Infrastructure Alessandro R