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Shipping method
Package weight
Package weight
Package dimensions
Package dimensions
These details are an estimate based on listings like yours: 3 lbs 0 oz, 17.0 x 12.0 x 6.0 in.

Domestic Shipping

Cost type
Domestic services
Service Image
FedEx Ground or FedEx Home Delivery1 - 5 business days1 to 5 business daysBuyer pays $25.54 - $213.53


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1 business day handling
Item location 48304 (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States)
Domestic returnsAccepted within 30 DaysYou pay return shippingMoney back
No international returns acceptedUnless item is not as described


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Sellers who have adopted Promoted Listings Standard see, on average, a double-digit sales increase (data from Jan-Jul 2022).




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