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This is Fender USA SRV Stevie Ray Vaughan signature model electric guitar.
It was purchased in 1998, and from SN it is from 1996 to 1997.
There are tweed cases, keys, manuals, accessories, etc.
Body weight is approx. 3.5 kilogram (7.7 lbs)
Body: alder
Neck: Maple
Fingerboard: Perferro
PU: Texas Special txsas special x3
Color: 3 tone sunburst
Switch: 5-position
The SRV model is characterized by a thick neck grip, and the PU has a single coil feel, but the overall flavor is more powerful than vintage Stratocaster.
The center and rear halftones look like SRV.
The parts have been changed to make it look like a regular Stratocaster.
Changed the black pickguard with SRV letters to a plain fender USA genuine green pickguard (white).
The screw hole positions are different from the original, and in order to avoid drilling new holes in the body, there are some places where the screws are omitted or not fixed.
All original gold parts have been replaced with genuine fender USA chrome parts except for the neck plate.
The tremolo bridge is aligned with the original left-hand hole, and the arm insertion position is usually the opposite of a Stratocaster.
The body has marks on the back.
There are two small dents near the bridge.
Probably the back of the neck is beautiful.
The metal parts are deteriorated.
The tweed exterior of the box has some marks and discoloration, but the key is fine.
Type: Stratocaster
Color: Sunburst
Unfortunately, the SRV logo pickguard is not available.
The case has signs of wear due to storage.

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