Vintage Ralph Lauren 

Dylan's Grove

Very Rare-

California King or Western King

Premium Fitted sheet

This is New Old Stock

New in its original package!

This will fit sheets up to 13"-Not really as deep as the newer mattresses.

Made up in 100% Cotton, this sheet will get softer with each wash. No softener needed.

This pattern is so pretty-Happy colors of Blue, red and yellow on an off white sheet.

Lovely florals and the flags make this a wonderful combination-it can be used all year round.

Did you know?
These were made between 1985-1995
This pattern was retired and discontinued after that.

Made up in 100% Cotton
200 thread count per square inch
Made in the USA

The tag says 1994.
That makes this sheet 30 years old.
You should plan on washing this-As it has been in it's original package for 30 years!

I have more in this pattern-Ruffled sheets, Ruffled pillowcases and pillow shams.
Search Dylan's Grove in my store.


Please enlarge the pictures and ask any questions before you buy,
As I can no longer take returns on these vintage fabrics.