Synhouse has customers in 42 countries.

Synhouse ships to your country and has since before eBay existed.

If you are looking at a small/normal item in the Synhouse eBay listings and seeing no shipping options to your area or seeing a notice that says the seller doesn't ship to your address, this is incorrect. I've been shipping to Australia, England, etc. since 1990, five years before eBay even existed, and eBay has deleted ALL the shipping options and prices I've spent many hours setting up, in order to enable eBay International Shipping, and then tells people in the most commonly shipped to countries that shipping is not available there. This is fake and idiotic; eBay had already been shipping there with the eBay Global Shipping Program for a few years, now says they don't with eBay International Shipping AND deleted my own shipping options without my permission or knowledge, when it could have and should have been left in place as an option because at least it WORKS and eBay doesn't know what they are doing.

This goes WAY back to 2017 with people in New Zealand (one of the most commonly shipped to Synhouse countries) telling me that I don't ship there, and 1) multiple calls to eBay didn't solve it, 2) they sometimes said they solved it but didn't, and 3) said "Uhm, wait 24 hours and it will be working.", which is how eBay gets you off the phone. And I could never get that New Zealand problem solved. The new problem since early 2023 is eBay deleting my own shipping options in order to put theirs in, then theirs tells people no, the seller doesn't ship there, but I CAN manually set up a shipping method (usually with Synhouse it's one price each for USA, Canada, Asia/Australia, and the rest of the world.

Now I'm getting messages like these:

5/16/2023: Hi, Wondering how much shipping would be to Canada, postal code T2N 2P7. Thanks!
Can you enable the ebay international shipping option for me? I am very interested.
1/1/2024: Hi there can you post to London uk and how much would postage be?
Hi how much would postage be to London England
Thanks for your reply. Im trying to check out but im get the message saying seller doesn't ship to your address. Please advise as i really need the new faceplate.
1/30/2024: Hello synhouse, I have a T8 and would like to buy your Optical-Emitter-Set just to make sure to have it in the future. Is there a reason you don't ship to Germany?

If you see that any small/normal Synhouse item does not ship to you/your area, this is FAKE and wrong, please send an eBay message to tell me and I can manually enter shipping to your area AGAIN.

Sorry for this incompetent platform I've been struggling with for 25 years now...

(Please note: The photos in the photo gallery are the copyrighted property of Synhouse and as such are watermarked with SYNHOUSE SYNHOUSE SYNHOUSE in purple, green, and black across the photos. These marks don't exist on the actual product. As you can see, those words run off onto the background wall, floor, wood, etc., they aren't really there, just superimposed on the photos to secure them.)


This listing is for the Akai MPC60II clear LCD panel replacement ONLY, not the drum machine itself, and not the LCD, just the clear panel that peels and sticks onto the plastic chassis, going over the LCD which is not included.


This clear LCD panel replacement is for the newer Akai MPC60II AKA MPC 60 MkII. The older MPC60 with the rusty metal chassis and padded wrist rest doesn't use one.


Completely renew busted, scratched, cracked, and dented panel over the LCD of your Akai MPC60II integrated MIDI sequencer and drum sampler with this brand new replacement clear nameplate LCD panel from Synhouse, manufactured of the highest quality materials and adhesive with crystal clear printing and brilliant colors.

It is properly made of a smooth-as-glass finish plastic substrate material, precision cut with holes for the knobs, is silkscreened on both sides with high quality 2-part epoxy inks in four colors, and has peel-and-stick industrial adhesive on the back to secure it in place on the MPC.


There is a minimum shipping price for all of my small components and a different minimum for a very low value item or for something $50 or more. However, I can ship almost any number of parts for the international shipping that it shows for most of those items. So if you want, for example, an SP1200 overlay and some knobs and some switches, or knobs and switches and potentiometers or whatever, just let me know IN ADVANCE and I will set up a special listing for you so that you will only pay the shipping once. This is if you tell me IN ADVANCE, not if you ask for it later because any shipping money paid has already been docked 14.9% by eBay managed payments and that money is not coming back. Yes, eBay takes the same percentage of the stated shipping charge as they do on the item since 2011. So let me know in advance and I can set it up so that you can save a lot of money by buying and shipping the parts together.

I can also set up special listings for different quantities of items sometimes. Usually the price is the same per item but I can set it up and that saves a lot of money on shipping.