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Timeless Truth in the Hands of History

by Gale Heide

A thoughtful historical study of the origins and subsequent role of systematics in theological discourse, from the time of Church Fathers to the modern era.

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Publisher Description

When did 'Systematic Theology' as a branch of thinking come into being? What does it mean for theology to be systematic?By examining and contemplating the works of prominent theologians and philosophers at various times labelled systematic, Heide not only outlines the methodological history of systematic theology but also provides a survey of the philosophical and theological discourse connected to the term 'system'.Arguing that certain elements of system such as logic are not wholly free from programmatic intentions (vested interests), Heide takes issue with the lack of reference to external philosophical categories or language that he claims has unduly influenced the investigation and construction of theology since at least the second century.

Author Biography

GALE HEIDE is Academic Dean and Professor of eology and Biblical Languages at Montana Bible College in Bozeman, Montana. He is author of is Is My Father's World (1998), System and Story (2008), and Domesticated Glory (2010).

Table of Contents

Introduction1 Theological Induction in the Canon and Irenaeus' "Rule-of-Faith"2 Is Origen the Archetypal Systematician?3 Theology Becomes Politics: Constantine and the Nicene Council4 Summary as System? Thomas and the Scholastic Method5 Wycliffe in a Philosophical Mold6 The Rigid System in Rhetorical Dress? Calvin's Construction in the Institutes7 System with a Twist: Enlightenment Influences on Theology and Epistemology8 Hegel's Pinnacle9 Kierkegaard's Life of Faith and the Rejection of SystemBibliography


"Gale Heide's Timeless Truth in the Hands of History demonstrates that not only does theology's content develop and change over time, its very method and systematic form does as well. And, of course, these two developments are not unrelated. Heide shows that an understanding of how the 'system' of theology should be conceived illumines just how theology's own content is developed at various stages in the history of theology. For those concerned with how theology has been done and should be done, this book will provide great stimulation and direction." Bruce A. Ware, Professor of Christian Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky "... this book does offer some basic insights into many of the thinkers surveyed, particularly Kant and Hegel." Stephen Waldron, in Reviews in Religion and Theology, Vol 20, Issue 3 "... an excellent introduction to the origins and uses of systematic theology. ... Heide carefully shows the nuances between different notions of system in different eras. What emerges is a helpful conversation partner in thinking about theological method." Aaron Edwards, University of Aberdeen, in Theological Book Review , Vol 25, No 1 "...Heide shares with us his conviction, with which I agree, that the way forward consist in combining the historically conditioned with the universally important. He thinks Aquinas has successfully achieved this balance, albeit within medieval perspective that must be complemented by elements from the twenty-first century's approaches. As a discipline of Thomas Aquinas, I want to praise Heide for his interpretation of that medieval doctor..." Louis Roy, Science et Esprit, Volume 66, Issue 2, May-August 2014 "... A valuable resource in the study of systematic theology in relation to the history of ideas and in its critique. The work is admirable for the span of time and changes covered in just a few pages..." R. Sanchez, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Vol. 90, Issue 2, 2014 "Heide shares with us his conviction, with which I agree, that the way forward consists I combining the historically conditioned with the universally important.[...] his study mentions a few of the best relatively recent commentators." Louis Roy, Science et Esprit 66/2, 2014

Review Text

"Gale Heide's Timeless Truth in the Hands of History demonstrates that not only does theology's content develop and change over time, its very method and systematic form does as well. And, of course, these two developments are not unrelated. Heide shows that an understanding of how the 'system' of theology should be conceived illumines just how theology's own content is developed at various stages in the history of theology. For those concerned with how theology has been done and should be done, this book will provide great stimulation and direction."Bruce A. Ware, Professor of Christian Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky"... this book does offer some basic insights into many of the thinkers surveyed, particularly Kant and Hegel."Stephen Waldron, in Reviews in Religion and Theology, Vol 20, Issue 3"... an excellent introduction to the origins and uses of systematic theology. ... Heide carefully shows the nuances between different notions of system in different eras. What emerges is a helpful conversation partner in thinking about theological method."Aaron Edwards, University of Aberdeen, in Theological Book Review , Vol 25, No 1"...Heide shares with us his conviction, with which I agree, that the way forward consist in combining the historically conditioned with the universally important. He thinks Aquinas has successfully achieved this balance, albeit within medieval perspective that must be complemented by elements from the twenty-first century's approaches.As a discipline of Thomas Aquinas, I want to praise Heide for his interpretation of that medieval doctor..."Louis Roy, Science et Esprit, Volume 66, Issue 2, May-August 2014"... A valuable resource in the study of systematic theology in relation to the history of ideas and in its critique. The work is admirable for the span of time and changes covered in just a few pages..."R. Sanchez, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Vol. 90, Issue 2, 2014"What is systematic theology? Where and how did it originate? What are the best uses of theology in and by the Church? Gale Heide addresses these and other related questions in Timeless Truth in the Hands of History: A short history of system in theology."Church Times, 20 March 2015"Heide shares with us his conviction, with which I agree, that the way forward consists of combining the historically conditioned with the universally important.[...] his study mentions a few of the best relatively recent commentators."Louis Roy, Science et Esprit 66/2, 2014"For Heide, the issue is not to resolve the tension but to further the discussion, a contribution he considers most valuable. Heide's purpose is to advance the question of the value of theology for the community of faith and in that, to reflect on appropriate theological methodology...Ultimately Heide's concern is to provide tools for the community of faith and, in this, his purpose is admirable."Timothy Gessner, The Expository Times, 126.12, September 2015

Review Quote

"...this book does offer some basic insights into many of the thinkers surveyed, particularly Kant and Hegel."


Author Gale Heide
Pages 230
Language English
ISBN-10 0227680065
ISBN-13 9780227680063
Media Book
Illustrations Yes
Year 2012
Publication Date 2012-10-25
Residence US
Imprint James Clarke & Co Ltd
Subtitle A Short History of System in Theology
Place of Publication Cambridge
Country of Publication United Kingdom
Format Paperback
UK Release Date 2012-10-25
AU Release Date 2012-10-25
NZ Release Date 2012-10-25
Publisher James Clarke & Co Ltd
Audience Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly
