I have these South Bend heavy 10 spindle adapters for sale. They are made right here in the USA in my shop out of ETD 150 alloy steel.  The taper is .602"/ft per South Bend spec with a large end OD of 1.629". The ID taper is an MT #3 that is reamed to final

 size to insure concentricity. All taper fits are blued and checked. Total runout less than .0001". See video for adapter in operation! Don't be fooled by others selling an MT#5 adapter for these lathes! They are NOT the proper taper and WILL ruin your spindle bore as well as cause poor turning. Buy quality parts and make quality parts! If you'd like another inside taper or a dead center turned instead just message me ahead of time. Coming soon will be 5C collet adapters and drawbar sets!!! Thanks for looking!