the supplement is recommended as an additional source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other active substances selected specifically to refine the condition of the hair, strengthen and actively grow it. The supplement improves the appearance of the hair, promotes its beauty, shine, elasticity, fixes melanin pigment, preventing greying of the hair. It prevents hair loss, dandruff and excessive oiliness.

VOLUME: 60 capsules of 500 mg (Vegetable Capsules)


Аctive ingredients for 1 capsule (500 mg): arginine (80 mg), methionine (80 mg), brewer's yeast (50,6 mg), рanicum miliaceum еxtract (50 mg), vitamin В5 (50 mg), vitamin C (19,5 mg), zinc glycinate (7,5 mg), vitamin В6 (7,15 mg), vitamin РР (6 mg), vitamin Е (3,2 mg), vitamin В2 (600 mcg), vitamin В1 (520 mcg), vitamin В12 (420 mcg), vitamin В9 (132 mcg), vitamin В7 (48 mcg).

Оther ingredients: hydrated silica, calcium stearate.

Recommendations for use: 1 capsule 2 times a day while eating. The recommended course of admission is 1 - 3 month. The duration of admission depends on the severity and neglect of the process. If necessary, repeat the course 2-3 times a year.

Warnings: individual intolerance to the components.

Terms and conditions of storage: store for 3 years from the date of manufacture in a dry, dark place and out of reach of children at temperatures up to 25°C and relative humidity no more than 75%. This product is made in Ukraine. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the date of manufacture and batch number. The date of manufacture is deciphered (day, month, year).


✔️ Arginine – is an amino acid which stimulates microcirculation, improving the blood supply to the hair follicles, while the hair begins to grow faster. It stops hair loss and helps to protect it against harsh chemicals and high temperatures.

✔️ Methionine – is a key amino acid that is a source of sulphur, which in turn improves hair structure and strength. Methionine affects the volume of the hair shaft (its thickness), nourishes and prevents brittleness and hair loss.

✔️ Brewer’s yeast – contains a high concentration of minerals, proteins, amino acids and B vitamins. This active composition benefits hair and nails, improves skin condition and positively affects other organs of the human’s body. Brewer’s yeast stimulates the synthesis of keratin, which promotes hair growth, makes it strong and silky.

✔️ Millet extract – is rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and it also contains silicic acid, which restores the structure of the hair and strengthens it. Millet helps to eliminate dry skin, prevents hair loss, increases the activity of hair follicles, which promotes the growth of new hair. It normalizes the work of sebum, eliminates dandruff and prevents its formation.

✔️ Vitamin B5 – stimulates hair growth and reduces hair loss. It saturates the hair and skin with moisture, contributes to the appearance of a healthy shine, natural volume, smoothness and silkiness of the hair. It promotes the production of melanin, which improves hair pigmentation.

✔️ Vitamin C – helps to prevent hair loss and breakage by strengthening hair follicles. It assures hair softness, elasticity and shine.

✔️ Zinc glycinate – stimulates the production of keratin and collagen, the main proteins in the hair shaft. It regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, improves hair growth and enhances hair pigmentation.

✔️ Vitamin B6 – improves the synthesis of keratin, which promotes hair growth. It saturates hair with moisture, eliminates dryness and flaking of the scalp, strengthens hair and removes oily sheen.

✔️ Vitamin PP – stimulates hair growth, reduces hair loss, improves scalp microcirculation and nutrition of hair follicles, protects hair against moisture loss.

✔️ Vitamin E – is an antioxidant that protects hair from free radicals. It prevents hair loss, strengthens it, removes brittleness and stimulates growth. Vitamin E is responsible for the restoration of the skin, and also makes the hair much healthier.

✔️ Vitamin B2 – activates blood circulation and prevents hair loss. It makes hair soft, supple and manageable.

✔️ Vitamin B1 – normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. It restores hair shine, strengthens hair follicles and protects against hair thinning and hair loss.

✔️ Vitamin B12 – restores the structure of damaged hair, improves the condition of hair follicles, regenerates damaged areas. It normalizes blood circulation, which leads to increased nutrition of the hair roots and their strengthening.

✔️ Vitamin B9 – nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, reduces the risk of early greying of the hair. It stimulates hair growth, helps to reduce hair loss and to restore its structure, protects hair against splitting.

✔️ Vitamin B7 – helps to strengthen the structure of the hair, makes it thicker and eliminates excessive hair loss. It prevents split hair, dandruff and excessive oiliness. It assures hair strength and shine.

Read more about the nutritional supplement here. On the packaging, the manufacturer writes only a brief description in English, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian.

*This dietary supplement is not a drug. The main purpose is support and prevention. The manufacturer does not guarantee that this dietary supplement will solve health problems, since not only the use of this remedy, but also many other factors depend on it.

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Return of goods is possible within 30 days after receipt.
To avoid purchasing the wrong product, please read the product description carefully before purchasing. We strive to provide as much information as possible about the product, which is given by the manufacturer. If you have additional questions, we will be happy to answer them.
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