Lot of special weapons in here. Some of the frag cannons have 1 of their 4 little rods that connect to the muzzle, missing. They are just the worst to trim off sprue. I know the vets w/ bolter gun & melta are no longer legal. They were absolutely hilarious in 7th though. Not sure if there is rules for the Black Shield anymore either. Rest I think are all good.

Breakdown is

13 vets w/ gw frag cannon

7 vets w/ 3rd party frag cannon

11 vets w/  infernus heavy bolters

6 vets w/ shotguns

3 vets 2/ combi weapons.

2 vets w/ bolter & power sword

1 black shield vet w/ power sword & plasma pistol

7 vets w/ bolter & meltaguns