You are bidding on an interesting one postcard fromn1906 out of Stanislau(Galicia).

Ivano-Frankivsk(UkrainianІвано-Франківськ; Russian Ивано-Франковск Ivano-Frankowsk), German Stanislau until 1962 (Станислав Stanislav, Ukr. Станиславів Stanyslawiw, Polish StanisLawów), is the regional capital of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in western Ukraine. The university town is located in the Subcarpathian Mountains, which is part of the historical landscape of Galicia.

TheWatchmaker, jeweler and optician A. Reischer in Stanislau turns to the one founded in 1884 Max Hahn tower clock factory in Zwickau. Today the company operates under the name Uhren-Walter vorm. Zwickau tower clock factory Max Hahn.

Dated Stanislaus, 19th August 1906.

Transcription: "After I have you ready (!) in possession of the cash on delivery Stan. Chowaniec, a print shop owner from here, is surprised that I haven't received my positive copy yet, which I would like to thank. remember. I have an order for a small castle tower clock. ¼ Blow. Can you send me a cost estimate? Respectfully A. Reischer."

5 fare postal stationery (9.2 x 14.2 cm).

Condition:Card browned and slightly stained, with a small corner crease. bplease note the pictures too!

Internal note: Max Hahn technology individually

Ivano-Frankivsk(UkrainianІвано-Франківськ; Russian Ивано-Франковск Ivano-Frankowsk), German Stanislau until 1962 (Станислав Stanislav, Ukr. Станиславів Stanyslawiw, Polish StanisLawów), is the regional capital of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in western Ukraine. The university town is located in the Subcarpathian Mountains, which is part of the historical landscape of Galicia. TheWatchmaker, jeweler and optician A. Reischer in Stanislau turns to the one founded in 1884 Max Hahn tower clock factory in Zwickau. Today the company operates under the name Uhren-Walter vorm. Zwickau tower clock factory Max Hahn. Transcription: "After I have you ready (!) in possession of the cash on delivery Stan. Chowaniec, a print shop owner from here, is surprised that I haven't received my positive copy yet, whic