You are bidding on one Handwritten, signed postcard the Danish-Norwegian agricultural chemist John Sebelien (1858-1932), professor at the Norges landbrukshøgskole (Norwegian Agricultural University), today:Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap (University of Environmental and Life Sciences) in Ås.

Language: German.

Aimed at the State Judicial Council Hermann Reuss in Darmstadt.

Dated27. July 1924.

Concerns a scientific article by him and colleagues.

Sender information:Prof. J. Sebelien, landbrukshøgskole Norge.

Format: 9.1 x 14.1 cm.

Condition: Thin paper heavily browned and stained; Writing a bit blurred and sometimes difficult to read, with corner creases. bplease note the pictures too!

Internal note: FM 210912

About John Sebelin (Source: Swedish Wikipedia, German translation and original and German translation):

John Robert Francis Sebelien, born on the 28th April 1858 in Copenhagen, died on 26. July 1932 in Kingston, England, was a Danish-Norwegian agricultural chemist. Sebelien became a polytechnic candidate in 1881 and received the university's gold medal in 1883 for the dissertation Contributions to the History of Atomic Weights. He then studied agricultural chemistry, then physiological chemistry (with Olof Hammarsten in Uppsala), became an associate professor of milk chemistry at the Ultuna Agricultural Institute in 1885, and a teacher at the Norwegian Higher Agricultural School at Ås in 1889, where he later went to the Norwegian School of Agriculture Years 1914-28 Professor of Chemistry. Sebelien's most important scientific work deals with the chemical nature of milk. He was the first to prepare lactoglobin and lactalbumin from milk and to detect the presence of a pentose in them. He also worked on peptic digestion of casein. Sebelien strongly promoted the development of his subject in Norway and in 1891 became a member of the scientific society in Kristiania. In 1905 he took the initiative to establish the "1905 Fund for Agricultural Research in Norway" in 1909, the proceeds of which were used to promote scientific work in agriculture.

John Robert Francis Sebelien, född April 28, 1858 in Köpenhamn, död July 26, 1932 in Kingston, England, in Dansk-Norsk Lantbrukskemist.

Sebelien blev polyteknisk candidate 1881 och tilldelades 1883 universitetets guldmedalj for avhandlingen Contributions to the history of atomic weights. Han studerade därefter först agrikulturkemi, sedan fysiologisk kemi (for Olof Hammarsten in Uppsala), blev 1885 docent i mejerikemi vid Ultuna lantbruksinstitut, 1889 lärare vid den norska högre lantbruksskolan på Ås, vid vilken, sedermera omdanad till Norges lantbrukshögskola , han under åren 1914– 28 var professor i kemi.

Sebeliens viktigaste vetenskapliga work rör sig om mjölks kemiska nature. Han var den förste, som framställde lactoglobin och lactalbumin ur mjölk including påvisade förekomsten av en pentos däri. Han work with peptic digestion from casein.

Sebelien främjade i hög grad utvecklingen av sitt ämne i Norge och blev 1891 ledamot a Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiania. Han tog 1905 initiative till uppättandet av det 1909 konstituerade "1905-fondet for landbruksforskning i Norge", vars avkastning kom att användas till uppmuntran av vetenskapliga arbeten i lantbruk.

Bibliography in Urval

Læren om gjødselen (1907, andra upplagan 1916)

Lærebok i uorganik kemi (1910

Kortfattet lærebok i kemi (1912, andra upplagan 1916)

John Robert Francis Sebelien, born on the 28th April 1858 in Copenhagen, died on 26. July 1932 in Kingston, England, was a Danish-Norwegian agricultural chemist. Sebelien became a polytechnic candidate in 1881 and received the university's gold medal in 1883 for the dissertation Contributions to the History of Atomic Weights. He then studied agricultural chemistry, then physiological chemistry (with Olof Hammarsten in Uppsala), became an associate professor of milk chemistry at the Ultuna Agricultural Institute in 1885, and a teacher at the Norwegian Higher Agricultural School at Ås in 1889, where he later went to the Norwegian School of Agriculture Years 1914-28 Professor of Chemistry. Sebelien's most important scientific work deals with the chemical nature of milk. He was the first to pr