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6 AKs GRENOBLE 1897/98: E. GALVIN (German/French) to friend in DD


– Wsee more pictures below! –

They bid on six beautiful postcards from 1897/98 out of Grenoble (France).

Written in Gronoble; The motifs on the cards come from the surrounding area.

Written by one E. Galvin (mostly in French, some passages also in somewhat clumsy German), addressed to his friend Paul Paul Petrich in Dresden (once also to Adolf Hautschs in Dresden).

Excerpt from the first card (German part): "Dear friend. Since the short time we've known each other, I can't let the New Year pass without making my New Year's wishes to you. The year which is about to begin will be noted as the beginning of our little correspondence."

Publisher / Series: Papeterie des Alpes, Eugène Robert, Grenoble.

About the publisher: "La Papeterie des Alpes, Mlles Escalle, à Grenoble: Au milieu des années 1880, un libraire et papetier originalaire de Voiron, Eugène Robert, s'installe à Grenoble at 13 rue Saint-Jacques. Très vite, it is special in the edition and the diffusion of photographs of Dauphiné, sous forme de cartes postales or de livrets de photos. Il diffusera ainsi les photographs d'Eugène Charpenay or Gustave Oddoux. "Après son décès en 1904, son fils Claudius Robert lui succède et, en 1911, il déménage au n° 9 de la place Grenette, un lieu plus central pour diffuser ses productions."


December 23, 1897: Ligne de la Mure. The Viaduct of the Rivoire and the Pont d'Avignonnet.

January 10, 1898: Col du Lautaret. L'Ospice

February 5, 1898: Grenoble. Le Pont neuf & les Forts

February 16, 1898 (according to Postmark): Env. d'Uriage-les-Bains. La Cascade de l'Oursière

March 3, 1898: Grande Chartreuse. Le Convent et l'Hôtellerie des Dames

May 19, 1898: Bourg-D'Oisans. Hôtel de l'Oberland Français.

All postcards are postmarked in Grenoble.

Format: 14x9cm.

Condition: Maps slightly browned and stained; Corners bumped. Please also note the pictures at the end of the item description!

Internal note: 20-11 Order green in KRST 200429


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Excerpt from the first card (German part): "Dear friend. Since the short time we've known each other, I can't let the New Year pass without making my New Year's wishes to you. The year which is about to begin will be noted as the beginning of our little correspondence." About the publisher: "La Papeterie des Alpes, Mlles Escalle, à Grenoble: Au milieu des années 1880, un libraire et papetier originalaire de Voiron, Eugène Robert, s'installe à Grenoble at 13 rue Saint-Jacques. Très vite, it is special in the edition and the diffusion of photographs of Dauphiné, sous forme de cartes postales or de livrets de photos. Il diffusera ainsi les photographs d'Eugène Charpenay or Gustave Oddoux. "Après son décès en 1904, son fils Claudius Robert lui succède et, en 1911, il déménage au n° 9 de la pla