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Vertical Take-Off Fighter Aircraft

by Bill Rose

A comprehensive history of all the conceptual, experimental and operational military VTO and VTOL aircraft from their inception to the present day. A must for all military aircraft enthusiasts.

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Publisher Description

As long ago as World War 2, designs were underway for vertical take off aircraft, and the Germans were the first to conceptualise the idea during the last phase of the war, when engineers conceived the Focke Wulf Triebflügel as a defence against the ever-increasing Allied bombing raids on central Germany. It was a Vertical Take-Off and Landing 'tailsitter' interceptor intended for the defence of critical war factories and key areas without suitable nearby airfields for combat aircraft. The Triebflügel's exotic propulsion system reached an advanced stage of testing, but no complete prototype was ever built.After the war, the research undertaken in Germany inspired various VTOL projects across the world. In America, the aircraft companies Lockheed and Convair were contracted by the US Navy to built prototype carrier based VTOL fighters. The French company SNECMA experimented with annular wing designs based on German research, the British began work on horizontal rising, experimental aircraft and the Soviets followed with a series of designs produced by Yakovlev. In the West, NATO attempted to develop a supersonic vertical take-off and landing strike-fighter for general use, although this never materialised due to political disagreements. The Germans then decided to go-it alone, building an advanced supersonic VTOL interceptor and a low-level VTOL strike fighter. Both flew successfully, but failed to reach Luftwaffe service for various technical and operational reasons.Latterly the Hawker Siddeley Harrier would become the best known and only successful VTOL fighter aircraft.The final version of the BAE Harrier was retired from UK service in October 2010 and it is now scheduled for full-replacement in UK and US service by the advanced Lockheed-Martin F-35B STOVL stealth fighter. In service with the Royal Navy, the F-35B will operate from the new aircraft carriers - HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales - which are are currently under construction.In Vertical Take-Off Fighter Aircraft author Bill Rose provides a comprehensive history of all types of vertical take-off aircraft from the earliest experiments before World War 2 to the present day. He includes many little known designs, which never progressed beyond the concept stage, completed prototypes and the better known experimental and operational aircraft.He also includes a number of aircraft that were influential or related to VTOL aircraft, such as early VTO rocket fighters, rocket launched conventional fighters and specialised prototypes with exceptional short take-off and landing (STOL) capabilities.


A comprehensive history of all the conceptual, experimental and operational military VTO and VTOL aircraft from their inception to the present day. A must for all military aircraft enthusiasts.

Back Cover

Vertical Take-Off Fighter Aircraft is an illustrated history of concepts, experimental, and operational military VTO & VTOL aircraft. The book starts with wartime German projects such as the Focke Wulf Treibflugel, Heinkel Wespe, and VTO rocket fighters. Postwar projects include US Navy carrier-based VTOL fighters, the French annular wing experiments undertaken by SNECMA, and various other proposals for fighters. In addition to "tail sitters," the author discusses conventionally shaped VTOL designs such as the Harrier, Russian carrier-based Yaks, and the new LockMart F-35 Lightning. This title will be of interest to aviation enthusiasts and modelers.

Author Biography

Bill Rose was born in 1948 and grew up in the North London suburbs. He was educated at Buckingham College and the University of Westminster. Bill began his working life as a laboratory technician, became a Fleet Street press photographer and eventually a photojournalist. As a writer, he has worked for science journals, technical publications and various national and provincial newspapers. His principal areas of interest are photography, astronomy, space exploration and aviation. He has worked as a researcher for several UK based TV production companies and Bill currently runs a small photographic business located in Norfolk, which specialises in PR work, graphic design and image restoration.


A brilliantly illustrated history of all the conceptual, experimental and operational military VTO and VTOL aircraft from their inception to the present day.

Long Description

Vertical Take-Off Fighter Aircraft is an illustrated history of concepts, experimental, and operational military VTO & VTOL aircraft.


Author Bill Rose
Pages 176
Year 2013
ISBN-10 1906537399
ISBN-13 9781906537395
Format Hardcover
Imprint Classic Publications
Country of Publication United Kingdom
Language English
Media Book
DEWEY 629.13335
Publisher Crecy Publishing
Place of Publication Manchester
Publication Date 2013-07-25
AU Release Date 2013-07-25
NZ Release Date 2013-07-25
UK Release Date 2013-07-25
Illustrations Illustrated throughout
Audience Professional & Vocational
