Title: Aeonium Haworthii Pinwheel Succulent rosette 6-fresh cutting live plant hardy

🌵All plants for sale are shipped bare root or cuttings unless explicitly stated.

Why Choose Pinwheel Aeonium?

🌀 Whimsical Beauty: The Pinwheel Aeonium earned its name from its unique rosette formation, resembling a whimsical pinwheel or flower. Its leaves feature a striking blend of green and purple hues, making it a captivating addition to any succulent collection.

🌿 Low-Maintenance Marvel: Even if you're new to succulents, you'll find the Pinwheel Aeonium incredibly easy to care for:

🌸 Year-Round Charmer: Pinwheel Aeonium adds a touch of elegance to any season with its evergreen presence. Plus, it's known to produce vibrant yellow flowers in spring, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.