Loser - Kartenspiel von Bruno Cathala & Vincent Dutrait

In this light fun card game, there's no winner, but only one loser!

Think twice before you mess with magic, or you might spend the rest of your life as a frog! In the mean and clever card game Loser, there are no winners: You are either safe or the loser. In turn, each player plays a card either face up or face down. Try to keep track of whether you've got the card with the highest value and vote accordingly (thumbs up or thumbs down) at the end of each round. Your opponents will try their best to throw you off and ruin your plans, so watch out and don't lose your cool because if you lose twice, no potion will save you!
Loser includes 23 special cards with crazy effects that may tip the balance at any point of the game...
66 Karten

Für 3-6 Spielende ab 8 Jahren
Spieldauer: 15-20 Minuten

Sprachen: Englisch

Wir verknüpfen für den Versand gerne mehrere Käufe.