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The Zimo Hunt

by Mike Jackson

The Zimo Hunt is the second of the nine-book "Asps" series, and the 11th of the Jim Scott Books. In this book, the Asps work almost full-time with British SIS (MI6) and SAS--for the most part in Pakistan...with a few side trips along the way. Jim Scott and several (most) of the former Janitors assist in one way or another, as the old team seems to find ways to get involved with the new team. It has long been known that al-Qaida--along with their pals the Taliban--was (and is) well-involved in international drug trafficking. It also is well known (rather than just suspected) that some in the Pakistani intelligence community have, at best, turned blind eyes toward some activities of both the Taliban and al-Qaida...and at worst have actively helped both terrorist organizations. This story involves both of these situations.

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Author Biography

After serving in the Navy, Mike Jackson went into construction for a couple of years, then into banking for a few more. His next endeavor was in sales, where he spent most of the remainder of his life...until he started writing. On finding out that the most enjoyable thing of his life was writing, he's kept at it for several years and is still plodding along. Mike is married with two adult children and two grandkids. Mike and his wife have one dog at the present time, but he is a pip...and runs the house.


Author Mike Jackson
Pages 288
Publisher Mike Jackson
Series Jim Scott Books
Year 2022
ISBN-13 9798201198725
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2022-12-15
Imprint Mike Jackson
Series Number 11
Audience General
