Brightenany room's decor with Beautiful  Stargate, Doorway Universal Realms, Higher Conscience Artwork that is printed on top-quality canvas gallery wraps. Each wrap is made with finely textured, artist-grade cotton substrate which reproduces images in outstanding clarity and detail. Available in multiple sizes, these closed back canvases are built with a patented, solid support face and are excellent for indoor use.

Made with highly durable cotton and polyester canvas composite (9.82 oz/yd² (333 g/m²)) with a special proprietary coating for vibrant prints that last

This canvas is an eco-friendly option as the frame is made with radiata pine responsibly sourced from renewable forests.
Hang the frame with confidence as the soft rubber dots in the back corners of the frame provide ample support and a stable result.

NB! Due to the production process of the canvases, please allow for slight size deviations with a tolerance +/- 1/8" (3.2mm