"The Adventure of the Zodiac Plate" follows Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson as they become entangled in a complex case involving an ancient artifact with mysterious markings. As Holmes unravels the cryptic symbols on the plate, he employs his unparalleled deduction skills to uncover a web of intrigue and deception that leads to a thrilling conclusion.

In "The Secret of Shoreswood Hall," Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are summoned to investigate a series of strange occurrences at an old estate. As they delve into the mysteries surrounding Shoreswood Hall, Holmes' keen observational skills and deductive reasoning unravel a web of secrets, deceit, and hidden motives, ultimately bringing the truth to light.

In "The Adventures of the Christmas Visitor," Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson encounter a perplexing case involving a mysterious visitor during the holiday season. As Holmes investigates the enigmatic circumstances surrounding the Christmas visitor, his keen powers of deduction are put to the test, leading to a surprising resolution that captures the spirit of the season.

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