IDW Comics Dungeons And Dragons Dark Sun Issue No 04 Ianto's Tomb Part 4 Of 5 Cover A May 2011

Dungeons & Dragons Saga

Gi Joe and Cobra action figures and 

Ianto's Tomb: Part 4 - The post-apocalyptic DUNGEONS & DRAGONS setting's first ever comic continues! Beneath a crimson sun lie wastelands of majestic desolation and cities of cruel splendor where life hangs by a thread. Welcome to Athas! In Part 4 of 'Ianto's Tomb,' Grudvik and Aki-along with Veiled Alliance preservers-face down the dangers of the Under-Tyr... as well as the last gambit of the Toothcutter chieftain Mudrada.

Issue Details

Comic Book Issue4
Comic Book PublishedMay 2011
Comic Book Cover Price3.99 USD
Comic Book Pages28
Comic Book EditingDenton J. Tipton, Andy Schmidt

Cover Details - " Cover A"

Comic Book CharactersGrudvik
GenreAction, Adventure, Fantasy
PencilsJohn Watson

22 page Dungeons & Dragons Dark Sun Saga "Ianto's Tomb Part 4 Of 5"

Comic Book CharactersRubi Ianto, Aki, Grudvik, Haskyr, Mudrada
Comic Book Synopsis

Ianto's Tomb: Part 4 - The post-apocalyptic DUNGEONS & DRAGONS setting's first ever comic continues! Beneath a crimson sun lie wastelands of majestic desolation and cities of cruel splendor where life hangs by a thread. Welcome to Athas! In Part 4 of 'Ianto's Tomb,' Grudvik and Aki-along with Veiled Alliance preservers-face down the dangers of the Under-Tyr... as well as the last gambit of the Toothcutter chieftain Mudrada.


Comic Book GenreAction, Adventure, Fantasy
Comic Book ScriptAlex Irvine
Comic Book PencilsPeter Bergting
Comic Book InksUnknown
Comic Book ColorsRonda Pattison
Comic Book LettersNeil Uyetake

I am not a comic book grader. I like my books a little worn. I want to read and enjoy them, not revere them. These guys have been read, but they are in nice shape and can easily be included in any collection. Enjoy them as much as I have!